Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

The Pharmacist asks "Can I see his animal?"

I call "Trouble get your arse over here, you're needed."

Loki looks up and heads over to me cautiously.

Loki asks as he gets closer "What do you need me for?"

I order "Shift to your animal form."

Loki asks "Why?"

I turn to Loki while scowling at him. Loki holds his hands up in surrender and begins to strip off his clothes like a real Shifter would. He shifts into his Black Leopard form like he's been doing it from birth.

The Pharmacist smiles "Alright well considering his size and that he's a male Leopard I'd suggest taking one tablet every three hours instead of the human recommendation of every six hours."

I smile gratefully "Thank you now hopefully that'll keep him quiet for a while."

The pharmacist laughs and I notice Loki shift back looking rather confused. I pay for the travel sickness pills and lead Loki back out to the car once he's put his clothes back on. I grab a bottle of water out of the cool bag in the back quickly offering it to Loki as I get one of the tablets out of the packet.

I order "Now chew this and then swallow and it should stop you from feeling sick while travelling."

Loki comments "You better be right about this I don't want to feel any worse travelling in this mortal contraption."

I argue "Just shut up with your moaning and take it. We've still got to catch up with the other car."

Loki glares at me but as I glare back at him he puts the tablet into his mouth and then takes a drink from the water bottle. He gives it back to me as he pulls a face of disgust at the taste of the tablet as he chews it. From what I know of motion sickness pills they make your mouth really dry at first. Loki is going to have a fun time taking these motion sickness pills. Rather him than me any day.

I order as I get into the car "Get in Loki."

Loki defiantly asks "What if I don't want to?"

I notify harshly "Then we'll leave you fucking behind."

I close my door and put me seatbelt on before starting the engine. Loki quickly dives into the passenger seat fear written across his face at the thought of being left in a place he doesn't know very well if at all. I wait until he's put his seatbelt on before I pull away out of the car park and onto the open road all the while picking up speed so that I'll be able to catch up to the other car quicker. Loki doesn't complain about the speed we're travelling at hopefully meaning that he doesn't feel sick.

Roxy asks "Brooke can you put some music on please?"

I ask "What do you want to be played?"

Roxy asks "Can we put one of my CDs in?"

I reply "Sure let me just pull over and I'll put the CD in."

Rocco comments with his dirty brain "I'm sure you'll put it in Brooke."

I cough in surprise before scoffing "Dirty bastard."

I pull the car over to the side of the road just as Rocco denies "Hey I never said anything dirty; you just thought it."

I ask "Can I have the CD Roxy?"

Roxy hands me a CD while replying "Here you go."

I put the CD into the built in CD player and start driving again as the music loads. I'm slightly shocked when Sigma's Glitterball starts playing.

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