Chapter 22: Aftermath

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Chapter 22: Aftermath

So I'm publishing this and the epilogue because I have been horrible, HORRIBLE with updating. Cannonball's progress has been AMAZING, so expect updates soon hopefully. I have my sequel to "Rise" to work on, and its companion novella (which is doing well and might be done soon). I've also been fiddling around with lots of other things, such as an original, and even cooked up another Star Wars fanfic- a different kind. I don't really think it'll go places or ever even be posted here, TBH. But, like, I have a lot on my plate. But I also have lots of Cannonball written- so I will try my VERY hardest.

Kristen closed her eyes and relaxed. She felt a presence in her mind. Wanda was there, poking around. What was she doing?

"It's OK, trust me," smiled Wanda.

An image developed in her mind- a beautiful one. She seemed to drift into a sleep, and soon she found herself in the scene....

Kristen burst through the elevator doors and grinned. "Tony, I'm here!" she declared.

Tony appeared and gave the girl a big hug. "Hey!" he grinned. He looked over the girl and smiled. "You look awesome! You'll love tonight, I promise."

Kristen smiled at Tony slyly. "Can I have a taste of what you drink?" She looked up at Tony with the cutest face she could make.

"Nope," declared Tony, popping the "p". "THAT is against the law. When you're older, OK? Hey, don't give me that look!" Tony began laughing.

"I wanna be 21, then!" declared Kristen.

"No, you don't," promised Tony. "Don't grow up- it's a trap."

Kristen laughed and nudged the man playfully. "I think I've grown up a lot, huh?" she said.

"Now, I don't know about that... But you're a smart kid for your age. You have grown up a lot- but you're still a little child at heart."

"Aren't you a little child at heart too?" asked Kristen.

"Ouch," hissed Tony jokingly. "You hit me where it hurts."

The elevator opened and several people spilled out. All the Avengers. Daisy. Coulson. Fitz. May. Agent Browning. Ingraham.

Ingraham was wearing a plain shirt and skirt with flats. Her hair was brushed out and straightened. She didn't look too happy. "Ma insisted," she grumbled. "I feel weird."

Kristen laughed. "You look fine," she promised. "I'm glad you're here. All of you!"

Everyone looked magnificent all dressed up. She loved looking at what they wore, how their eyes sparkled with eagerness and anticipation over the party.

There was music. Tony bobbed his head along to AC/DC when it came on. Kristen giggled and then laughed as the man rocked out.

"Come on, Kris, you know you wanna join me!" laughed Tony.

"Join you in what?" laughed Kristen.


"That is NOT dancing!" laughed Kristen, but she sort of bobbed along anyway, laughing and feeling silly the whole time.

After a while the food was ready. The music was changed to calmer music, something Kristen knew Tony was sad about. They sat down to eat after filling their plates at a huge buffet. They talked and laughed.

Kristen chattered more than she ate. There was so much to talk about and listen to. Tony had a cool new invention; Sam and Steve were thinking of doing a marathon; Thor was saying how Asgard was doing wonderfully; Clint talked on about his children and wife, with Natasha adding in funny things about the kids. James and Tony talked to each other, and Wanda and the Vision conversed. Kristen and Ingraham and Pietro talked about nothing special in particular- it was all so wonderful.

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