Chapter 3: Remembering

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Chapter 3: Remembering

OK, so one of the photos in the collage is a quote from the Skillet song "The Last Night". The quote itself works but not really the rest of the song itself. The song for the chapter will actually be "Yours to Hold", also by Skillet, as it is more fitting. So, just letting you know that! The collage also features Agent May, Steve Rogers, and a new character (played by Lyndsy Fonesca).

BigfootHunter just posted an Avengers fanfic, so I'm gonna post this a a little way to say "YAY!" because it is very good!

"It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember." -Chris Brown.

"Stark, let me talk to the girl," said Fury, not wasting a second.

"No," said Tony. "She needs food and rest. She can't get that with you interrogating her. Please. We've already had two agents and myself talk to her, there's no need-"

"Something came up. Now leave."

"I'm not just gonna-"

"What you're gonna do is get out. This is S.H.I.E.L.D. business. Now leave, and let me do my work."



Tony quickly left, smiling apologetically to Kristen. She stared, frightened, at Fury, not daring to move or breath.

"You seem tense," said Fury.

She nodded only slightly. "You scare me," she whispered.

"So, you get straight to the point. Then I will too. Can you explain this to me?" He shoved a tablet at the girl. On the screen was a video of a young girl attacking a man, fighting with him intensely. He was knocked out, and the girl snatched away the suitcase nearby.

The video ended. "Uh, I don't know what to say," muttered Kristen.

"It's you, isn't it?"

"Maybe. I don't remember beating up a man, though."

"That's you. Kristen, what were you doing that day?"

"I don't know, I hardly recall yesterday!"

Fury stared at the girl intently.

"Please stop looking at me like that," muttered Kristen, shifting around uncomfortably.

"I need the truth, Kristen."

"It is the truth! I don't remember! You don't even know if it's me!"

"We found a strand of hair at the crime scene that did not match the victim. We've gotten a sample of your hair, though, and it matches. That man was one of our agents. Level 7. How'd you do it?"

"I don't know, OK?! Maybe it was me. I don't know! Please, just leave me alone!" Kristen choked out a sob.

Still straight-faced, Director Fury left.

Kristen let out another little sob.

Fury came back in a few minutes later. He crouched down in front of Kristen. "Kristen, try to remember."

"I can't. I've tried, but I only remember my name and age. I swear."

Fury sighed. "It's in you, somewhere."

"Yeah... Well, let me know how to find the memories. I'd love to know how, because I've been trying for three months."

"I thought this man was supposed to help you with the memory problem."

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