Chapter 16: Captive

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Chapter 16: Captive

I haven't updated in a long time. There is no excuse for this since I have finished writing this whole book and there was nothing stopping me from posting. Seriously, I am just lazy. No matter how busy I was, I still could have taken a bit to post.

So, I will give you a double update to say sorry.

Also, thank you, everybody, for over 500 reads! This is pretty cool, if you ask me! :D I love all my readers, so forgive me please for being a lazy little slacker.


Malarkey didn't hold a gun to Kristen's head like he had done to Ingraham. She was instead dragged to a car. Malarkey had a firm grip on her upper arm as he marched the crying girl towards the car. She occasionally looked over her her shoulder, shouting and crying, hoping someone would come out and save her.

Kristen was shoved into the backseat of the car. The door slammed shut. Seconds later, the door on the opposite side of Kristen opened and Ingraham was shoved in.

"You liar!" shouted Kristen as Malarkey got in the car. The locks clicked. "Let Ingraham go! This wasn't the deal!"

"No, I said I wouldn't hurt her," said Malarkey.

"Let her go and I will do anything you say!" pleaded Kristen.

But the car was already moving, and Kristen could feel Ingraham grabbing her. The two held each other closely and sobbed.

"Why would you give yourself to him?" asked Ingraham, who was holding Kristen.

"I didn't want him to hurt you!" sobbed Kristen. "You don't deserve to be dragged into this."

"I was dragged into this the moment he kidnapped me." Ingraham spat out the word "he" like it was poison.

"You know it's me he wants! He could hurt you, Ingraham! Look what he did!" Kristen lifted up her pant leg to show Ingraham. "I don't want him to do this to you! You don't deserve that!"

Ingraham's face grew red. Suddenly, she lunged forward, trying to hurt Malarkey. "You sick little bastard!" she screamed. "Why did you do that to her?!"

Malarkey shoved Ingraham off of him and pointed the gun at Kristen."Touch me again- I kill both of you."

Kristen sobbed and buried her face in Ingraham's shoulder. Ingraham was angry, shaking like a wet cat. She held Kristen in her lap, whispering comforting words to her while shooting Malarkey looks.

"Will he kill us?" whispered Kristen in fear.

"No, he won't," whispered an unsure Ingraham.

"He killed my momma," whispered Kristen. "I don't want him to kill me, too."

"I swear, I will not let him kill you," said Ingraham shakily.

Kristen buried her face in Ingraham's shirt. "Please don't let him hurt me," she whimpered. "Please. Don't let him take me away from you."

Ingraham didn't say anything. She just held her sister, giving her soft kisses on the head and holding onto her tightly.

They drove on for hours, the only sound being the sobs and whimpers of the sisters in the backseat. It seemed like they would never stop driving, but finally, it stopped.

Malarkey got out of the car and opened the side with Kristen and Ingraham. Immediately, he grabbed his youngest daughter and tried to rip her from Ingraham's arms.

"NO!" screamed Ingraham, pulling her sister away from the man.

"Give her to me, Ingraham!" demanded Malarkey.

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