Chapter 4: Targeted

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Chapter 4: Targeted

Sorry for a lack in updates. WattPad lost this chapter, so I had to rewrite it, and I've been writing FH2 lately and haven't been taking time to rewrite. There are plenty of other pre-written chapters though, so don't worry. Updates will be more regular. Meanwhile, I'll be focusing more on FH2 because I have 14 total chapters of BIB written and can keep up updating. I'm behind on FH2, so it works.

"It doesn't matter who hurt you, or broke you down, what matters is who made you smile again." -Unknown

"Admit it, admit it!" cried Kristen, playfully smacking Tony's arm. "You like her! I know you do!"

"I do not like your nurse, Kristen," sighed Tony.

"Oh yeah? Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, remember?!"

Tony groaned. "Where did you hear that?" he asked.

"Cap told me 'bout it," said Kristen, grinning in a wickedly mischievous way.

"I knew I'd regret that some day," grumbled Tony.

Kristen looked over to Tony, suddenly looking very confused. "What's a playboy?" she asked, cocking her head to the side.

Just then, the door opened ans Tony grinned. "YES. Saved by the Captain," he muttered.

"I got you something, Kristen!" announced Steve. Kristen grinned and patted the chair next to her while Tony say down across the room.

Steve sat down and handed Kristen a book. It had been 3 days since she had remembered her newfound love for cherries. She was ready to read for Steve, something she hadn't done before. She had only read for Tony, something which she had jumped right in to. Yesterday it had been "A Little Princess"- today she was reading whatever Steve put in front of her.

So when Steve placed a book in front of her, she gawked.

"What is this?" she whispered.

"It's a book," grinned Steve.

Since he had come to New York, Steve had been a frequent at the library. He was always checking out his own books, but recently he had been checking out books that Tony had requested.

The librarian was used to Steve frequenting the library. Even Steve was used to it. What he WASN'T used to was the new librarian's assistant.

She was a woman in her mid twenties who could never seem to get enough of Steve. She showed him to every book that he so much as mentioned, and batted her eyelashes at him so much Steve was wondering how come they hadn't fallen off of her face.

She insisted on helping Steve with every little thing, even going so far as lying that the librarian had to "go on a break" which had resulted in her shoving the woman away and checking out his books for him.

Unfortunately for Steve, she was just as unattractive as she was creepy.

Kristen was holding up the recently checked out book with a look of wonder mixed with.... Disgust?

"This is.... Ancient," she frowned.

"No its not. I read this when I was your age- younger, even."

"Steve, you're nearly 100 years old!" gaped Kristen. "How old is this book anyway?!"

"Well, this is the 1965 edition," said Steve.

"1965?! Steve, you're older than this book!"

"Are you teasing or insulting me?"

"I think I'm insulting the book. I don't know. But it's so OLD."

"Well, you're reading it, so toughen up, soldier."

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