Chapter 15: Taken

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  Chapter 15: Taken


Later that day, Ingraham was given a clean bill of health. As much as it surprised Kristen, she was just glad her sister was OK.

She would be put under close watch, and would have to talk to Dr. Garner, but Kristen had reassured him he was nice. Ingraham was not to ever be alone, and someone would have to wait outside of the bathroom whenever she went. If she took longer than 2 and a half minutes, whoever was waiting had permission to kick down the door and see what was going on. Kristen assumed (hoped, more like) that they were joking.

Kristen held her sister's hand as she was wheeled out to the waiting car (standard procedure, they said). Kristen then helped her into the car, and sat next to her.

She was alarmed at the presence of two heavily armed SHIELD agents in the very back, but she decided not to think about it.

Tony and Steve were up front driving while Wanda sat next to Ingraham, who was in the middle. As they began to pull out, Kristen happened to look out the window to see two black, unmarked SUV's she knew was SHEIELD's. She had no doubt in her mind there was heavily armed men in these cars too.

"Tony, why are there black SUV's and heavily armoured men in the back?" asked Kristen nervously.

"Not now, Kris," sighed Tony. "It's not a good time."

Ingraham squeezed her sister's hand. "It'll be OK," she whispered.

Kristen did not relax, but she continued to hold her sister's hand. She wanted everything to stop. She wanted Malarkey to get caught and then she wouldn't have to ride around in black SUV's with heavily armored government agents. She wanted to live with Tony and her sister and feel a little normal.

But she could never be normal. She just couldn't accept it.

When they reached the house, Kristen climbed out and helped her sister out.

She was surprised to find two agents, heavily armed, standing by the door. When she went inside, she could see two more standing inside by the door. There were three men in front of the sliding glass door, and three more outside. One person was next to the side door, and Kristen knew there was someone else on the other side. All of the men had guns.

"Tony, what's going on?" demanded Kristen.

Tony took a deep breath. "We found Malarkey," he said. "He's in a town 90 miles south."

"Then why aren't we getting out of here if he's so close?!" demanded Ingraham. "I wont let him hurt my little sister again."

"Fury still needs to find us somewhere safe to go," said Coulson kindly.

"Anywhere away from him is safe!" cried Ingraham. "Just get us away from here before he gets Kristen!"

"What about you?" asked Kristen, looking up at her sister.

"Forget me- it's you I care about!" cried Ingraham.

"Ingraham, calm down," said Steve softly. "We have more protection than before."

"I can't calm down! We need to get out of here!"

"I agree," said Kristen quietly. "We had SHIELD agents all over that hospital and several agents and dozens of patients died anyway! We have to GET AWAY. They can't protect us."

"Kristen, we understand your concern, but we're doing our best," said Coulson.

"Well it's not enough!" snapped Ingraham. She took her sister's hand, and the two of them marched upstairs.

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