Angel - Andy Biersack

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I was making my way through the crowd at Warped Tour. I had to get there in less than 20 minutes and I was somewhat lost. I asked a few girls for help and luckily they showed me the way. I thanked them and continued my little journey. Through the way I had to push some people here and there, however I made it. I was in the middle of the crowd waiting the Black Veil Brides concert to start. Which of course the lead singer Andy Biersack was my boyfriend.

He actually doesn't even know I'm here. I'm usually backstage hugging him and supporting him to make sure he remains calm and ready for the show. Then I would usually just stand side stage and see the show. This time instead I wanted to see it in the middle of the crowd. I just wanted to feel their energy and live the true Black Veil Brides concert experience.

Luckily not that many people had recognized me or else I would have been stuck at the very back having my own crowd of people. I looked around to find some people staring at me. Some seemed to almost fangirl some were confused and some were just perplexed. I got on my phone and decided to text Andy one little message of support before the show began.

To: My Angel <3

Just wanted to say a good luck right before the show. The only reason I'm not right there in the moment to hug you is that I have a little surprise for you. Don't worry, you are going to do a great job as always, I know it

I put my phone away to find a couple of teenage girls smiling. I guess I was caught, I can't be that surprised after all. Teenage fangirls have like a separate brain just dedicated to band facts. They almost seem like FBI or CIA for the amount of stuff they know about them and well about me also.

"You're Andy's girlfriend!" The girl on the right almost screamed. I had to shush her before she grabbed the attention of everybody.

"Yes, I am. But please don't tell anybody else. I just wanna pretend I'm like the rest of you guys. Well, at least for now. I have a little plan to surprise Andy but in order to work nobody has to know I'm here." I told them. They listened and slowly nodded.

"Awww of course! We promise not to tell anybody don't worry. I know this may sound annoying however we would love it so much if you could take a picture with us. It would mean so much." The other girl spoke. I nodded and placed myself in the middle of the two.

"Before we go, how is it to date The Andy Biersack?" She asked me. I giggled a bit before I answered.

"Nothing special, he is just a normal human being like the rest of the world. The only unique thing is that his job is to entertain people. I think it's better if you girls find your spot because the show is just about to start. Have fun!" I told them. They nodded and then disappeared into the crowd.

Just after 30 seconds the first beats of Faithless started to blast. Slowly one by one the band members jumped on the stage full of energy. Then there he was, my man walking with the microphone in his hand singing with an angelic voice.

"Behold the new hate with all the same lost values

Forsake what lives deeper

In death we're all believers

Raise up your sirens

Break through the silence

We are united in the search for something more" Andy sang perfectly as he was starting to jump all over the stage. Everybody in the crowd was singing along and having a blast. I had to admit nothing was like viewing the concert over here. Here is where you truly feel the energy. Over there on the side stage it's more hidden just for the fact that you're not with them.

100 Theme Challenge (Band Members)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt