Chapter 21 - Full Circle.

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                                 "Oh my god! Mum! Dad!" It's a boy. We have a son!" The man's breath was ecstatic and uncontrollable much like his tears. The room was filled rosy red faces and large amounts of sobbing adults as the two men held they new baby son in their arms. Overwhelmed. The white walls of the hospital blurred for the once screaming lady as she fell asleep, leaving the family to rejoice in their new found miracle.

"We have a grandson! It's about time." The elderly woman jumped up, eager to greet her grandchild her shiny brunette hair, greyed at the roots bouncing behind her shoulders. She was soon joined by a gruff, well built man his brown and grey stubble face smiling.

"Do you have a name for him yet?" The nurse was eager - She clearly loved her job, bringing life into the world was amazing for everyone helping bring it in was even greater in her eyes.

"Yes" Both the men nodded. rubbing the similar golden bands both had around their ring fingers.

"We'd like to name him Toby."

"Toby Charles Fuller" The bulkier of the two men smiled, hands now intertwined. "Charles for his grandfather. Gotta keep something in the other half of the family." The nurse smiled, rushing out the doors with her small piece of paper.

"I can't believe we've been married for six years now." The bulky man sat down, breathing deeply to stay calm. "let alone the fact that we now have a son.".

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