Chapter 1 - The Prelude

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The Lhants and the Fullers have been neighbours for 10 years. But the families have history that ties back to their high School days originally a group of friends that split of and found love within their friend circle they all went their separate ways when university dawned on them, 5 years later they all find themselves in the same neighbourhood still with their partners from high school, acting like nothing has ever kept them apart the friends once again became close, to the point where they decided to move next door to each other. The Lhant's had a young son - Logan Lhant early into their university days and had to drop out , although that didn't impede Charlie Lhant's spirit or progress he and his wife now own and manage a small company business producing banners and signs for high end companies and private businesses. The Fuller's on the other hand both finished their courses, Hank specialised in a basic maths degree and is now a top accountant at the leading bank in his area, and Jules specialised in art and is now spends 3 days a week curating art and obtaining art for her employer at the Full Moon Gallery. 

Both families doing exceptionally well for their circumstances reunited ended up having another child around the same time in January.  The Lhants named their son Tyler who was born on the 24th.  The Fullers also had a son, Joseph who was born just 2 days later on the 26th. This was the start to what is the most beautifully tragic and endearing friendship they have ever seen.


           The breeze whistled in the tree branches, the sun beats down on the pitch black tarmac as the final school bell rings. The familiar sight of parents beginning to flock to the school doors awaiting their tired, weary children. 

Two kids in particular, still alert and energetic against all odds in the blistering heat sit eagerly awaiting the appearance of their parents. 

"Tyler get down for the last time" yells Mr. Kerridge with a distinct hint of authority. Turning to acknowledge the teachers authority he slides off the window grinning wildly, all the while thinking tic toc tic toc. The bell was seconds from singing the melody the kids loved all so much.

"Five, four, three, two, one" Joe chirped, almost singing the numbers. 

"RINNNNNNNNNNNGN" the bell tolled as the doors bust open, kids screaming, yelling and barging to their imminent escape. Greeted by the warm breeze both Tyler and Joe proceeded to remove their bags and hats wiping the sweat of their brows simultaneously like the two thought and acted as one, then peering with concerned looks. 

"Can you see em?" Joe squeaks 

"No... Wait" Tyler murmurs in response. The Lhants and Fullers swagger casually through the gate to the school, bombarded by frantic kids and parents rushing to the serenity of their cars. The boys grin they know the look of Mr. Lhant all too well. The smile on his slightly chubby face accompanied by freckles from the sunlight. Mr. Lhant stands tall at 6 feet exactly with only a slightly hefty weight of 190 pounds, he isn't the most muscular of men but he makes Tyler proud nonetheless. Mr. Lhant continues forward as the Fullers and Mrs. Lhant wait by the shade of a well defined oak whose branches tower the school casting it's shadow over a large portion of the vivid green grass.

"AHHHHHHH" the boys yell in unison as they charge at Mr. Lhant, hands ready to grab and punch in an oblivious child like manner. Sighing as he realises even the heat will not stop the boys in their tracks Charlie braces himself for the merciless onslaught of bumps and nips the boys are charging to unleash and simply, brandishing his smooth tattooed arms by rolling his sleeves he grabs both the boys by the waist and spins them. 

"Honey... Please don't" Alice cries towards her husband Charlie.

"You remember what happened last time you done that in this heat!" She exclaims

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