Chapter 13 - Turning 17

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                              The last year and a half had been bliss for the boys, they had both passed their GCSE's with B-A* grades in all core subjects with a few whacky results in their optional subjects. They had both made it into sixth form, Ty was taking Maths, Further Maths and Forensic science. Joe was taking Maths, Further Maths and Physics. The two had no idea what they were planning on doing past sixth form, honestly they never had to think that far ahead in life. Their sixteenth birthday had been particularly quirky, and clumsy. Both Joe and Tyler were now fully developed blossoming into their looks with extreme grace and 'sexiness' . Joe had gained a little more wait to cover the lean figure he had been maintaining, still not fat just something to coat the muscles. He's still practically hairless, aside from his groin and ass crack. He hand't gown any taller thank god, six feet and two inches was more than enough. Down to the important information however, he was well hung, five-five flaccid and a whooping seven inches hard. Ty on the other hand was ape like, still relative fat he was now six feet and three inches, weighs twenty one stone and has hair everywhere but his back. The weight is more muscle than fat but you can really see it. His penis is 4 inches flaccid and six-four hard. It's Friday night, just before the first weekend after the boy's birthdays. The winter this year was harsh, wet and very dry.

"Catch!." Joe had his regular smile on his face, smooth but intense. *Thwack* A rogue packet of flying biscuits conked Ty on the head. "Cheers." Alice couldn't help but let out a little giggle as she left the room. "Hmm interesting way to catch." Charlie mocked, tackling Ty to the ground to get to the biscuits.. "Whoa guys. I mean I know custard creams are great and all but there is no need to fight." Joe smiled, taking advantage of the fighting men to take the biscuits for Ty. "Ty wins I'm afraid old man." - "Oi who you calling old, I'll take you both on if I have to." Charlie was still laughing as he mantled the couch, pulling himself to his feet and posing like a sumo, daring any who would take the challenge.  "So how's school, Anything good happening?". The harmonious sigh from both Joe and Tyler's mouth said it all, Charlie let out a simple sigh. "Mock tests galore.. So yeah that's been fun. Have to wait till half term to get out 'grades'." Tyler sounded sick.

"Well on the upside, you're seventeen tomorrow. Happy days eh? No? God you two never smile." Charlie was still laughing, mocking the boys by grinning whenever he shut his mouth. "That's not true, I smile all the time. Just depends on what's happening." Joe blushed, and giggled at Ty's words, whether or not he intended them to be dirty or sappy, Joe knew what he meant by it. Alice had soon returned to the the dimly lit living room with four bowls of ice cream, held in her arms like a waitress. "Mint-choc-chip for Charlie, triple belgium for Joe, white chocolate and raspberry for Ty and cookie dough for me." Alice smiled, handing off each bowl to it's owner before slumping in her chair tucking straight in. 


       "So we're seventeen tomorrow, you know it's been a while. Maybe we could.". "No. No ruining yourself for tomorrow. I want you up and out of the house early.". Joe had no signal other than a frown at his boyfriends apparent lack of want for him tomorrow. "Don't take it personally. Just got a lot of stuff to prepare." With that said the boys climbed into bed, curling up together. Joe could feel Ty's warm breath running down the hairs on his neck, Ty's hands roaming Joe's smooth stomach, and Ty's head pressed down against the back of his own, they lay in silence and darkness for a few minutes before falling asleep. 

It was six in the morning, Joe was ejected from bed by force when Charlie came in and told him to get ready, they would be spending the day 'shopping' for things, not that either of them really wanted to go - Ty had asked Alice for help, she in turn demanded that Charlie take Joe out of the house until they were given the all clear. Joe had a red and purple checker pattern button up shirt with short sleeves and some skinny jeans, finished with his short brown hair spiked up and a pair of black converse. Leaving the house, the boys were headed for Cambridge shopping centre. 

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