Chapter 5 - Happy Birthday!?

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                         "Hey Mrs. C" echoed around the class, all but the fresh year nines were in booming unison with their greeting, Having grown adjusted to their seemingly relaxed teacher. "Hey teach, where are your glasses?" shot from the back of the class. It was the second week back and the 'sixth form' students had merged with their respective forms.

"Wait, I know that voice" Tyler barked, angst and happiness exploding in his eyes. 

"Congratulations, you're officially my biggest stalker" Jake joked with his natural sarcastic tone. "long time no see guys, How ya been? Anything new developing?" Jake had a hint of curiosity in his eye.

"What do you mean, anything new developing?" Joe grunted. 

"Oh nothing, don't worry." Jake retreated, laughing with none other than Mark.

"Oh I see you both made it into year twelve!" Mrs. Cooper had remarked.

I'm glad, those two are great. Tyler had once again wondered off into the recess of his own mind. *THUD* "Hey Tyler." Joe had smacked his best friend trying to gain his attention, "What's after form?". "Uhh break, you moron" Tyler snarled, one cheek red from the surprise attack and slight glisten of water in his eye. "Did you really need to hit me that hard?" Tyler quickly lunging his fist towards Joe's arm. Joe quickly raised his hand causing their knuckles to collide with a crack.

"Boys?" Mrs. Cooper had started her death glare in their direction, picking up on the change in atmosphere they quickly stopped. "Sorry." Tyler whimpered, now shaking his hand.". The electronic bell started singing its song, all throughout the halls. "Well I will see most of you tomorrow" Mrs Cooper had waved the kids off. "Looking forward to maths boys?" Cooper had once again turned her gaze to the boys who had managed to make top set in all their classes, remaining at each others side, Mrs Cooper was now their maths teacher, for year ten. Tyler and Joe decided to spend break in the safety of their form, as they would be returning here after the bell called for second period to start anyway. "Hey Ty" Joe whispered softly into his ear. "Yeah?", turning to meet Joe's soft dim eyes. "I.. I think I love you" Joe had a massive grin on his face, clearly he was winding Tyler up. "What?! Gross" Tyler flinched pushing Joe's face away. Tyler by this point had gone bright red.

               The rest of the day had rushed quickly, Tuesdays was always a favourite as the boys had maths and science practically all day. Joe had dumped Tyler by the school gate claiming he had forgotten something in his locker, but Joe unbeknownst to Tyler had actually gone to seek out Mark and Jake. Joe rushed to the common room for sixth formers when he finally caught glimpse of Jake.

"Hey.. Jake!" huffed from Joe's winded chest. "Have you got a minute?". 

"Sure, what's up mate?" Jake had grabbed Joe's arm moving him to the side of the corridor, to walk away from prying ears.

"How.. How did you know? Uhmm well you know?" Joe had started to blush

"What? how did I know what?" Jake had become puzzled.

"How did you know you are gay?" Joe had leaned in to whisper in Jake's ear.

"Uhm, Well. It's a bit complicated." Jake explained. "I started realising things that anyone could notice, but it's like it made sense to me, as if I wanted to notice." Jake paused. "that probably didn't make any sense. Take me and Mark for example, we had been friends for ages, but I had begun to see him as somewhat of an attractive figure as well as my friend...". "I didn't need the comfort of his hand, I kept holding because I wanted too. Because being able to hold him even slightly made me happy." Jake finished, smiling and reminiscing in old memories.

"I see, well I.." Joe stopped. "Thanks, Okay I gotta go" Joe held up his hand for a high five and sprinted for the gate. Shit he thought. I left Tyler way too long! He's going to be suspicious. To Joe's shock Tyler had found and started conversing with mark. Both of them evidently waiting for their partners in crime. Joe's face was bright red, some from embarrassment and the rest from running, still not very athletic.

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