Chapter 15 - Shock and Awe.

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"Do we really have to do this? It's the first day baaack." Ty's voice was shrill and child like as he pulled Joe against the white brick wall by the school's side entrance. "Yes." We said we would do it on sign up day, no changing your mind. You'll be fine.". "That's a matter of opinion." Ty pushed through the doors in a dramatic king like manner before strolling down the hall to where his first class was, Joe followed suit squeezing in the doors before shutting.

First lesson was maths for Ty, and Physics for Joe the two had parted ways with the toll of the bell and sat in silence during their lessons, getting on with their work and looking rather neutral. School was going to take some time to adjust too this was the first time the boys had been apart for long periods of time and neither one was particularly fond of it. Ty had spent more time doodling in the corner of his book than listening, all of his work was completed but because of his circumstance it took considerably less time than the new year twelves.

"Glad to see you are both with us boys, I heard from Mr. Jones about the situation, you are dismissed from form. Go now. Shoo. To the assembly hall. He wants to speak to you." Mrs Cooper's voice had not changed at all over the years. Clasping their bags both boys headed down to the crimson room where not all that long ago they had dealt with the initial breakdown attached with Ty's failing. "Ah boys, I just wanted to make sure you want to go through with this? And to ask if you want chairs or to stand, Since you will be the main thing for the assembly." Mr. Jones paused, greeted by Joe's eager smile and a nod signalling a yes to the question on the chairs. "You prepared?".

"Yes, sir. What could really go wrong? No answer to anything obscene or inappropriate for school. And between us I'm sure we can answer the rest." Joe waved Mr. Jones off, peering at the clock to count the minutes until the flood of students would wash through the room filling seat after seat. Ty stood motionless, his usual awkward pose preparing himself for the onslaught of anxiety that was rising as the seconds passed. "You okay?" Joe asked, while helping Mr. Jones carry two comfy chairs from the staff room nearby. He was a acknowledged with a jittery nod up and down. "Right you have a few minutes left to prepare yourselves, Thank you again for doing this." Mr. Jones had vanished into the staff room leaving the boys alone in the empty room to sit and prepare.

Ty's face was pink and showing clear signs of his frustration as the once quiet room was filled with chattering from every student and teacher in the school, the shuffle or chair legs scarping against each other and the floor. Ms. Numes had taken the centre stage announcing to the students and staff what today assembly would be on.

"Of course she would be involved in this.. I swear she is obsessed with us." Ty smirked, whispering so she couldn't hear. "Yeah, tell me about it. We are like her favourite problems.. Not that we even have any problems she needs to sort out" The pair laughed gently under the harsh tones of Ms. Numes agitated voice, for someone who spends her time dealing with problematic children she had a hard time containing her anger at the whispering and muttering coming from the crowd as she talked.

"Well, I think I have explained enough about the recent news, for a change of pace we have two volunteers offering to answer any of your questions on the subject, nothing rude please. I'm sure all of you know them. Joe and Tyler." Ms. Numes rushed of the stage platform back to her seat leaving the boys in full sight of the entire student body.

"Uhm. So. I'm Joe, and this is Tyler. Before we take any questions here is a little bit about us. We are both 17 coming on 18 in January and currently Tyler and I are an Item. Couple. Boyfriends - Whatever word you want to use. Right then. Any questions?" Joe's confidence was shaky you could tell by the shaking and pausing in his words, but his determination was something else.

"Uhm one more thing." Ty had stepped in, a trance like glare on his face his eyes rigid and pale looking. "This was something we agreed to do because we want to share our views on homosexuality. It's not a disease, it's not a choice and it's certainly not wrong, with that in mind, pretending or acting out and using it as an excuse is not okay. We are all people and that means we are pretty much the same.. we just have different likes.". Joe was gob smacked. The fact the Tyler had spoken so clearly and calmly in front of the entire student body was outstanding. He smiled, composing himself and breathing loudly.

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