Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

I think I'm falling for you

I've been waiting all my life

And now I found you

I don't know what to do

I think I'm falling for you"

I sing loudly while I hear a slight knock on my door.

"You may enter my castle!" I say, moving my feet back and forth, while I sit on the edge of my bed.

"Maura" Zayn says looking a bit down.

"Vas Happening, my friend?" I ask and close my MacBook, while this beautiful creature, aka Zayn sits down on my bed.


Please don’t start about Perrie. Please, lord, I beg you! Not another Perrie story.

"I'm listening"

"It's just... I can't get Perrie’s words out of my head"

"What did she say then?"

Okay, so honestly I don’t care. Zayn I love you, I guess, but I really don’t want to hear about your ex, cause she is the reason we weren’t together earlier. You broke up with her, you’re supposed your happy, not sad.

"When I told her I wanted to break up with her she said: ‘Yeah, I'm fine with that because I never really love you anyway’"

Alright, stop it right there. How can you not love this beautiful face? Pfft, Perrie is such a dork.

"Serious, did she say that? That's rude"

Seriously, if I would get money for giving advice, I’d be so damn rich. But Zayn is my friend, and I like him, so I play along, but he has to stop talking about it.

"Maura, stop" he says after a quite long silence.

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