“Woah, woah… back up there. The day you left Conner was never here?” It all sounded to suspicious to me. He could be lying, he probably is lying…

          “No, because I beat the shit out of him for taking my family.”

          “Shit, I remember that. I had two cracked ribs that day.” Conner commented making my father glare his way.

          “I thought – I thought he was going to replace me. That’s why I never came back. I thought your mother was going to be with Conner. If I would have known she would be a single mother I would have taken you with me.”

          “And what? Leave Lilly to her?” I pointed to Chelsea who was still crying while watching me.

          “You have no idea what I went through because of you!” I yelled getting riled up again. “You have no idea how many nights ive locked myself in Lilly’s room and cried because she had some strange man in here or she was in her violent hazes!”

          “Violent hazes?” My mother asked with a shaky voice.

          “God! You don’t even know! You’re so drunk all the time how could you! How could you know about anything that’s happened in the past ten freaking year’s.”

          “She’s hit you?” My father asked, guilt sinking into his features.

          “That’s how this all got started. We – we were fighting in the hallway. Lil – Lilly came out and she – she hit her. I lost it,” I looked at my mom, “that’s how you ended up in the Hospital.” I stated not caring that she was becoming even more hysterical.

          “I took Lilly and was planning on finding a place where we could stay because I couldn’t take living under the same roof as her. But – but then I had an Epilepsy attack on the road and the car – oh the car…” I tried to finish but I couldn’t. My whole body was shaking and sobs were leaking through my lips.

          “I – I… no, you’re lying. You have to be lying! I’ve been good to you! I’ve always been good to you and Lilly both. I cook every day, I go to work, I love you!” Chelsea claims pulling on her blonde hair.

          “No, no you haven’t. All you do is drink, sleep, eat, and go clubbing. I pay the bills, I cook, I raised Lilly, I was more of a mother to her than you ever were. I haven’t heard one nice thing come out of your mouth since Dad left! I was – am nothing to you! I cant even count all the nasty words you’ve said to me. How many bruises I’ve had to pass off as me being clumsy – how many nights ive cried.”

          I watched as she burst out in hysterics. She was shaking worse than me crying, im sorry. I never meant it. But I knew she did. She blamed me for my dad leaving. She blamed me for the pain she was feeling.

          “Ever –” he started but I cut him off.

          “Don’t. Just don’t.” I whipped off my tears   

          “So… where do I fit into all of this?” Cassidy asked. Conner looked at her and frowned. I had a feeling this was going to be a just as bad conversation as ours.

          “When you were born, I – I was scared. I was a sixteen year old boy with a daughter. I didn’t know what to do so I asked my mom to help me. She told me she would fix everything and when she came home and told me you were – were dead I went crazy. I haven’t talked to my mom since, I thought she had killed you so I could have my teen years back… I’ve thought you were dead since. But here you are.” He smiled gently, grasping onto her hand which she quickly took back.

          “You didn’t want me?” she questioned with tears now welling in her eyes.

          “No, no, it’s not like that sweetie. I wanted you, but I was young, stupid and confused. I’ve spent over eleven years hating my mom for that. I just wanted her to help me with you. Not – not kill you. I would never…” he stopped suddenly, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small picture and handing it to Cassidy. “That was the first time I saw you. I was there when you were born. I held you in my arms and I’ve never been happier in my life.”

          Cassidy looks at the picture, before pushing it to me slowly with shaky fingers. I look at it and it was nothing like I expected. There on the hospital bed was Chelsea smiling at Conner who was holding Cassidy in his arms with biggest smile in the world.

          Cassidy tried to say something but she couldn’t so she just wrapped herself into Conner’s arms. She finally had the clarity that she had been dying to get.

          “What about Lilly? Where dose she fit into all of this?” I asked whipping more tears off my face.

          “Well,” Conner started, “I moved back here nine years ago and when I saw Chelsea I didn’t know what to make of it. We talked, went out to dinner to ketch up. But it ended up being more than that. I didn’t know she already had a daughter and husband. I would’ve never let anything happen if I knew… and when she told me she was pregnant…”

          I buried my head in my hands. That’s why he left, why he abandoned his family… Something that would surely cause him to leave, Lilly. Wasn’t. His. Daughter.

          “You cheated with dad?” I said disgusted looking to Chelsea who had just calmed down.

          “I was drunk! I didn’t realize what happened until I got pregnant. I even had tests taken to make sure…”

          I couldn’t believe any of this. This was all too much for me to handle. “For years ive been pissed at him for leaving when it was your fault all along. You did this to our family! How could you?” I ended up whispering in the end, not having the strength to yell anymore.

          “Im sorry. Im so sorry! I fu*ked everything up! Im sorry.” She cried, crying even more while clasping to the floor. Everyone stayed seated as she wepted on the floor, my dad having mixed emotions plastered all over his face, Cassidy was silently crying while Conner rubbed her back and had a solemn face.

          We were one wacked out family.

          “Damn.” Lulu cut in after long moments of silence, “you guys have some fu*ked up issues.”

          “Oh Lu.”


who else loves lu? xD

What did you guys think about Lilly being an affair child? Did you see it coming?

Next chapter is going to be big and long. Remember that party Ever got invited to? Get ready for that, more info on her fricked up family, a bigg party that spells disaster and Logan.... 'nuff said. xD 

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