Marcus & WICKED

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(Y/N)'s POV:

You and Newt walk up the stairs, both of you still wiping the tears away. You hadn't none Frypan that long, but had grown close to him.

You hadn't realised how close until now.

When you reach the second floor you see Brenda leaning over Minho. She looks concerned; they must have become close over that time they were separated from your group.

Gally sits in a corner, brooding. Thomas leans against a wall, staring at a random spot on the floor. Jorge has tied the man he was dragging earlier to a chair. He is now conscious and has a black eye. You cringe as you think of what Jorge has been doing.

You walk over to Minho and see his eyes flutter. Brenda gasps and grabs his hand; you smile to yourself.

"What the shuck happened?" He says with a grin.

"You can't handle alcohol, that's what." Brenda replies with a smile, still clutching his hand.

You realise you dropped the gun somewhere downstairs and are glad; it may have been that gun that shot Frypan.

"Just tell us where the Right Arm are Marcus." Jorge speaks in a low, gravelly voice that sends shivers down your spine. He can be scary when he wants to be.

"I told you, I don't know!"

Jorge laughs and shakes his head. He brings his fist back to hit Marcus, but he speaks before Jorge has the chance to.

"I don't work for the Right Arm. I work for WICKED. We have parties here: take the kids in, get them drunk, give them to WICKED. There's great money in it you know."

The smile that's on his face makes you want to punch him. However, Jorge beats you to it, the force of the hit knocking the chair backwards. You see Marcus hit his head on the tiled floor. He groans and Jorge kneels next to him, grabbing his shirt collar.

"If you work for WICKED then you're of no use to us. Brenda, hand me the gun."

Brenda lets go of Minho's hand and gives Jorge the weapon. You look away and hear the trigger being pulled.

"Well. Let's get going, shall we?"

You can't bring yourself to look at Marcus's body. You hear it being dragged and your stomach twists.

"Jorge, I don't think Minho is strong enough to move yet." Brenda says.

Minho sits up, a grin plastered on his face. "How weak do you think I am?"

Brenda blushes and looks down at her lap. She stands up an offers Minho her hand. He gladly takes it and stands up, pulling her into a tight hug. He whispers something in her ear and she giggles.

You smirk to yourself when you see Jorge glaring at Minho. He quickly lets go of Brenda and starts going down the stairs.

The rest of you follow and exit the building. Thomas has his arm around you, the same emotionless expression on his face. Whilst your group are talking about how to reach the mountains, you pull Thomas aside.

"You don't have to pretend with me Thomas. We're all upset about Frypan."

He shakes his head and you see a tear fall from his eye. You brush it away with your thumb and hold his face in your hands.

"Everyone who's close to me I lose. And I'm scared the next person is gonna be you."

His words hit you like a ton of bricks. You lean in and kiss him, trying to block out all the bad memories.

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