The Escape (Part 1)

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Frypan's POV:

The flat-trans appears in front of us, a grey shimmering beacon. Newt goes through first, followed by Minho. It's my turn. I give Thomas a mock salute and step into the unknown.

(Y/N)'s POV:

You are standing in a large room and spot Thomas. You call his name, but he dosen't seem to hear you.

Teresa appears from no where and whispers something in hs ear. He turns away, the hurt visible on his face. You want to run to him but you're frozen to the spot. You want to scream but your throat cannot form a sound.

The two of them walk off together, leaving you on your own.


You wake abruptly. Gally is stood by your side, a confused look on his face. He watches a monitor that seems to be tracking something. A consistent pattern can be seen.

"What is wrong with you?" He asks. "You're not normal. I don't know why Ava wanted to show you that, but she thought something would happen. You'd have some sort of reaction. Yet your heart rate's still as normal as ever."

You sit up and look at him: "What do they want from me? Chancellor Paige said something about killzones; what are they?"

He sighs and stares at you. "The reason WICKED was formed was because of a disease. They call it The Flare; it infects your brain and slowly eats away every shred of humanity you have. WICKED think they can find a cure, but I don't believe it anymore. And I don't think you do either."

He pauses.

"They're sending whoever made it out of the glade into the scorch. And if we hurry, we can get to them."

"Get out of here? What do you mean?"

Gally continues to look at the computer screen. He takes a wire out of your arm and speaks while doing so.

"I know you don't believe in what WICKED has to say anymore. And I don't think I do either. Teresa; they've done something to her, she's not how she used to be. They're sick; they do things to people just because they want everyone to do what they say."
He unplugs the monitor and holds out a hand for you. "So I'm getting out of here. Are you coming?"

You grab his hand and he helps you off of the bed. He goes to walk out of the room but you yank on his arm, making him turn around.

"What?" He asks, his tone sharp.

"You'regonna go out there without anything? No weapons, no plan? They won't let you just walk out of here!"

He shakes his head and sighs. "How stupid do you think I am? Now come on, keep your head down and shut up."

Minho's POV:

The heat hits me first. Newt is by my side and Frypan appears next. Thomas is the last one to come through and then the flat-trans disappears.

That's it.

No way back.

I squint and see buildings up ahead with several mountains behind. The sun blocks most of the view, so I can't judge how far away anything is. WICKED said we had to get to the safe haven.

There was no time to lose.

(Y/N)'s POV:

Gally leads you down a corridor. You look around and see several people dressed in white coats going in and out of rooms, completetly oblivous to what's happening around them.

You whisper to Gally: "What's wrong with them?"

"They're monitoring the guys in the scorch. They all think they're closer to a cure then ever."

You and Gally round a corner and see Chancellor Paige coming towards you. He grabs your arm before she can see the both of you and pulls you into a large room.

There are computer screens lining the walls, similar to the one Gally was looking at earlier. But these are slightly different. You take a step closer and can make out a picture feed.

"Where's this coming from?" You ask Gally.

"(Y/N) come on. The Chancellor is on her way to check up on you; we don't have much time!"

You ask again: "Where is it coming from?"

He dosen't answer and you stare at the screens. You focus your attention onto one that has a haphazard building.

Just then, you see four figures running up and staring at the building.

"Thomas. Newt. Minho. Frypan." You whisper the words, not wanting it to be true. They couldn't be out there. But Gally had said that you were going to be joining them.

Sirens blaze and red lights flash.


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