A New Beginning

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You look around the bus and see you didn't lose anyone from your group, except Teresa. You smile to yourself.
You snuggle up to Thomas, resting your head on his shoulder. He kisses your forehead when Newt and Minho turn around to face you.

"We aren't out of the glade for five shucking minutes and you two can't keep your hands off each other."

Newt shakes his head. He stares out of the grimy window and his eyes widen in shock.

You follow his gaze and are met with a horrific sight. There is no greenery to be seen; just burnt land. Sand stretches out for as far as you can see; buildings look like they could fall at any second.

Before you can take anything else in, your bus rounds a corner and grinds to a halt.

Your rescuers open the doors and step outside, their guns raised. You hear a few bullets and cries of pain. You shut your eyes. Who were those people being shot?

Your mind thinks back to the woman Newt was wrestling earlier. You shudder; what had been wrong with her?

Three people step back onto the bus and help guide you all out and into a massive building.

Thomas, Newt and Minho are by your side as you walk into a room with three beds. A hand is placed on your shoulder and you turn around.

"Not in here missy. You're having your own room."

Thomas looks at you, worry dancing on his face. You flash a reassuring smile; you're safe now. You wave to the three boys and say:

"See you at dinner."

The man leading you to your room scoffs. "Who said anything about dinner?"

The boys look appauled until he says: "Kidding. God, you kids need to lighten up."

He takes you out of the room and into a long hallway. You approach a wooden door and he retrieves a key from his pocket. He slots it into the hole and turns.

The door opens and he gives you a huge smile. "Your new home."

You push past the man and enter the room. He sighs. "Guess they never taught you manners..."

He leaves and you flop down on the bed. Your room is small, a bed the only thing to be seen. A square window lets in patches of light. You see a door which must lead to a bathroom. You're about to lie down when you hear your door lock. You snap up and run to the door, banging loudly.

"Hey!" You yell, "Why'd you lock it?!"

You're met with no answer and you pace the room. Why would the door be locked? Did they do that for everyone else?

You walk into the bathroom and splash some water on your face. There is no mirror and you realise something; you don't remember ever seeing your own reflection. The sad reality hits you and you fall to the floor, tears streaming from your eyes.

You hear the door unlock and open. You jump to your feet, wiping the tears from your eyes. You exit the bathroom and see a person dressed in black standing in your room.

"Do you want dinner?" She asks.
You nod your head vigourisly and she leads you down the hallway to a massive gymnasium. You ses other people milling around, not just your group.

Rows of tables are placed so that everyone has a seat. You see Thomas and he waves you over. You take a seat sandwiched between him and Minho. Newt sits opposite you.

"Turns out we weren't the only maze." He informs you.

You look at Newt, unsure what question to ask first. Not the only maze? There were others going through exactly the same thing?
Your thoughts are interupted by a plate of pizza being dumped in front of you. The boys pick their's up eagerly and you do the same. You savour every greasy bite, the flavours exploding in your mouth. When finished, you start talking to the three of them again.

"Not the only maze? You mean WICKED thought it would be a good idea to take a bunch of kids and dump them in a place surronded by people-eating monsters?"

Minho shakes his head: "We have no clue. One of the people who recscued us said that we'd all come from the same place; we just assumed they'd all been in a maze."

Your head whirs, trying to process all the information. You think back to what you saw outside: the burnt land, the precarious buildings. Was that what life was like? But why?


Everyone stands up at the same time. Thomas snakes his arm around your waist and he walks you back to your room.

"I guess this is where I leave you." He says.

You nod your head and he pulls you close to him, your mouths moving in sync. Suddenly, a man walks around the corner. He clears his throat and the two of you jump apart.

"Come on, son. Back to your room."

Thomas kisses you one last time and heads down the corridor. You give him a small wave and he walks off.
You turn and enter your room, the guard still stood outside. You see that some clothes have been placed on your bed, along with a couple of towels.

You have a shower, enjoying the hot water and washing away all of the grime the past few days has brought.
You dry yourself and put on the clothes (a vest top and trousers) and climb into bed. Exaughstion knocks you out.

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