"Shut up you," Mike snickered before stroking Chester's cheek softly, "Now sleep."

Chester sighed but closed his eyes, "Fine."

Mike sighed and hugged his older boyfriend tightly. They fell asleep and Mike woke up early the next morning. He really didn't want to leave, but he knew Chester would be disappointed if he didn't leave. He sighed and kissed his still sleeping, kitten's head before covering him up and quietly going down the steps. He smiled before writing a note.

I'll be back before you know it. You better not be sleeping around you slut! Love you baby,

He quietly shut the door behind him and headed back to school.


He headed home for the weekend and smiled when he saw Chester sitting on the porch. He parked his car and climbed out. He hurried up to the older man and hugged him tightly.

"What's up?" Chester asked, "You seem distracted."

"I'm not," Mike sighed but Chester frowned at him.

"Don't lie to me. You were never good at lying."

Mike wandered back into his dorm early that morning and his roommate looked at him.

"Where have you been?"

"Just out."

"No.....you've been with your boy-toy."

"Shut up," Mike muttered.

"Did he come down here again? Or was this your idea? Are you too pathetic to be away from each other for that long?"

"Shut up," Mike said again. Chester had come visit him the one time early on just to see how he was doing.

"That's sick you know. He's eight years older than you. You destroyed his reputation. I don't know why he chose you, you destroyed his life."

"I didn't," Mike managed as he felt tears well in his eyes. Maybe he had been selfish. He didn't want to be the reason Chester was unhappy. His feelings conflicted and he blinked a few times before biting his lip. He wouldn't cry in front of this boy.

"You lost....you lost everything you loved because of me," Mike said finally. Chester stared at him in shock.


"Your ability to perform, your music. You loved all of that. You had fame. You dreamed of being a rockstar since you were a little kid. And I just took it all away from you. If I had never even interfered......you'd be better off without me. I......I'm just dragging you down."

"Mike," Chester sounded shocked but Mike felt tears run fast.

"You could be rich, you wouldn't have to work at a stupid coffee shop for 60 hours a week if you weren't with me. You got arrested for me. How am I even worth any of that?"

"Mike.....I lo-"

"And don't fucking say that! You can't love me! No one can, Chester! No one! Not you, not my parents, not my brother, and not anyone I meet. I can't even love myself! How can someone love me if I can't love myself?! You think you can save me and that's the reason you're here."

"Mike....that's not....."

"Stop lying to me!" Mike screamed as he rounded on Chester, "You want to save me because you think you owe me for taking you in! I'm fine on my own Chester, I can do whatever I want and be fine! See?"

Mike grabbed a knife from the cabinet. He dragged it across his wrist and watched the blood pour out of his skin. And all of a sudden, the knife was knocked out of his hand, a warm towel was wrapped around his wrist and he was tucked into someone's arms. He let loose a sob and buried his head into Chester's shoulder.

"You should hate me," Mike whimpered, "All I did was destroy your life."

Chester was hugging him tightly and sniffling, "Stop Mikey, please.....please stop."

"I hate myself. I loved your music, it was the only thing that kept me alive and I even managed to fuck that up. I should've just kept to myself. We'd both be better off."

He couldn't stop the tears from pouring out of his eyes. Chester lifted him up and carried him up the stairs to the bedroom. He gently laid him down on the bed and covered him with a blanket. Chester laid down next to him and Mike felt his trembling fingers gently rubbing his back.

"I want you to know that I love you. I haven't even thought about singing with a band since they kicked me out. I have never loved anyone more than I love you. Mike, you made me realize that I don't need fame and money to be happy. I just need you. As long as you're with me, I'm ready to take on the world. You said that no one could love you, but then who am I? I love you with all my heart, I love you more than music, than fame, than singing on stage. Let me.....let me prove to you how much I love you."

Mike felt Chester gently kiss his neck and his arms tightened around him. Mike let tears run down his face as Chester rolled him over slowly and kissed him. Mike felt Chester's lips on his own, just barely there, but definitely there. He felt his hands brush through his hair and then Chester was pulling him to a sitting position.

"Mike, I wish you would understand that you have made my life one hundred times better than it was. I have been free from my drug restraints for over a year now! You saved me from myself. You are everything to me, Mike, I don't know how you could ever think I didn't love you. You are beautiful, you are perfect, you are wonderful, you are sweet, you are cute, you are my entire world," Chester said quietly as he knelt in front of him to tighten his towel around his wrist, "Mike, please believe me when I say that I love you so much. Nothing else matters when I'm with you. You listen to me, you understand me, you care about me. I don't have to pretend around you. I love you so much, you have no idea how much I care about you. But I'm willing to spend the rest of my life, trying to show you. Mike, will you marry me?"

Mike stared at Chester in shock as the older man presented the ring to him. He felt more tears in his eyes but these weren't because he was sad. These were because he was so happy. He grabbed Chester and pulled him up to kiss him. The older man fell on him and Mike stroked his hands through his mohawk.

"Yes," he whispered, "yes I'll marry you Chester."

They toppled softly into the bed, Chester's head buried into his neck and Mike smiled as he rubbed the older man's back. This was everything. He kissed Chester's ear softly and cradled his head.

"I love you," he said softly.

"I love you more," Chester countered but there was no challenge in his voice. And maybe Chester was right even though Mike found that pretty impossible that anyone could love anyone else more than he loved Chester. Chester's hand was on his shoulder and he felt tears rolling down his neck.

"Oh sweetheart, what's wrong?" Mike sighed as he started to stroke Chester's back again.

"I hate when you get angry at yourself because you're so perfect in my eyes and it just makes me really upset when you can't see it."

"It's fine. We're together now and I won't leave you. Just relax."

Chester's shaking subsided and he buried his head into Mike's shoulder, "Please just remember that no matter what other people say, you can always come home to someone who loves you more than the entire world."

Mike smiled and shifted so they were more comfortable, "I know."

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