All Nighter - Austin Carlile

Start from the beginning

"That's not fucking fair. I was supposed to be next" Aaron mumbled and crossed his arms against his chest. I just started laughing and he immediately gave me a dirty eye. I shut up and continued to watch the whatever tv show was playing in the moment.

After a few hours everybody was nice and clean and we were eating chipotle in the living room while watching Game Of Thrones. We were at some episode of the fourth season. However it wasn't that much of a help to me since I never really watched the series so I didn't understand the plot at all. The guys instead loved that tv show so much.

"So guys, what do you wanna do after this?" Austin asked. He seemed like he just woke up and was full of energy. The rest of the guys instead seemed like they haven't slept in a week. The ironic part is that Austin is always the last guy to bed and because of that he gets the least amount of sleep.

"Dude, it's 10 PM already. What were you planning to do?" Alan asked him.

"I don't know. Maybe we can go out, have some fun. We can go play some mini golf. We can even go to a club or something." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Well, I don't think any mini golf will be accepting us at this time. Everybody just wants to go home and sleep. Also, where the fuck are we going to find one. We ain't in Cali anymore. We don't know the place man." Alan answered.

"That's the point! We can go out and explore the city a bit. I mean, people wish to travel to all these places and here we are spending the time in a bus. Also, we have free day tomorrow so we don't have to worry about returning to the bus in time or stuff like that." Austin tried to explain himself. He did have a point after all. Phil shook his head and got up.

"Well I don't know about them but I'm tired as hell. I could really use the whole night and the next day to sleep and relax. So yeah, I'm going to bed guys." Phil said and walked to the back of the bus. Austin looked at the rest of the guys.

"What about you guys? Interested into going out and visiting the place a bit?" He offered. Tino got up and shook his head too.

"Nah man, too tired. Sorry though" He walked away following Phil.

"Eh, I'm in. I mean why not?" Alan said. Austin smiled and then faced Aaron.

"Fine, however don't ask me shit tomorrow" Aaron replied. Austin turned around and looked at me full of hope.

"No, I'm going to bed fuck that shit" I said and got up slowly walking away. I could see Austin get disappointed. I smiled and turned around. "Of course you goofball! What were you thinking?" I said and stood against the door.

"C'mon let's go see this place!" Austin said with excitement and we all wandered off into the night lights of the city.

"Um, where are we again?" Aaron asked us.

"I think we are in Mending" I said not fully sure though.

"Oh, I thought we were in Frankfurt, never mind." Alan said.

"Dude we were there last week!" Austin said and we all started laughing. After a few seconds of laughter we stopped and continued our exploration.

We walked around a bit seeing how the night life was here. After a few hours of looking around and having some fun we came back to bus. Aaron and Alan immediately walked straight to their bunks mentally hoping they wouldn't fall asleep during the way. Austin walked to the couch and turned on the tv and the Xbox.

"Wanna play some Call Of Duty? Please don't leave me alone it's only 2:30 A.M." He said pouting his lower lip. I walked over and sat next to him while snatching a controller for myself.

"Fine Austin. But seriously do you ever get sleepy? Like you are like half vampire. You don't sleep during the day but you don't sleep during the night either." I told him. I started to hear him chuckle.

"Well, what can I say? I guess I'm the new Edward Cullen eh? Oh gosh no, now that I think about it. I don't wanna live that romanticized version of vampires. If anything I will be a very dark and evil vampire. Just like Dracula!" He said.

"Well, sorry to say so however you would die in a matter of a few weeks. Dracula would drink the blood of virgins. However as in right now you won't find any. I mean there are bitches having sex at 13-14 years old! It almost feels like they are all trying to get into 16 And Pregnant. Like it's so stupid and sad." I told him. He sat there and thought about it for a minute.

"Fine then, I will be the Dracula that will only drink the blood of Beliebers and Directioners. Like that I will pretty much be immortal!" He said so proud of his idea. I had to admit, it was a great plan.

"Ok Dracula, now let's go kill some guys" I nudged him in the shoulder. He nodded and started the game. After hundreds of kills, head shots and another few more hours we had finally decided it was better if we finished playing. I looked over at the clock and read 4:25 A.M. I was about to get up and leave when Austin said something.

"Wanna watch Finding Nemo? It's been forever since I seen that movie!" He asked me. I glance over to the back of the bus, glanced at the clock and then Austin. I guess this was going to be an all nighter tonight...

"Sure c'mon get the DVD and place it in." I told him. He smiled and got up to find the DVD between the others that were placed under the tv. We heard the door open to find Aaron walking over towards us.

"You guys still awake?" He asked as he passed us and walked over to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and poured himself a glass of water.

"Yeah, wanna watch Finding Nemo with us?" Austin offered as he sat down once again next to me.

"You kidding? I just came here to drink some water. I'm going right to bed. See ya!" He said and disappeared into the darkness of the bus. I snuggled in closer to Austin as he clicked play and the movie started. He placed his arm around me and smiled.

Once the movie was over it was already passed 6 A.M. Austin suddenly got up from the couch. Was he going to bed? Now? I stared at him as he walked to the door and stopped. He turned around to face me.

"Do you wanna see the sunrise with me?" He asked. I immediately smiled and jumped up.

"Of course!" C'mon let's go!" I said and we walked outside into the nice early morning breeze. We went up to the hill and sat down under a tree. After a few minutes the first signs of sunlight were appearing. We just sat there the whole time enjoying the silence and the sunrise. After the sun fully rose it was safe enough to say that we had achieved the all nighter.

** I hope you guys liked the chapter. The gif that I used comes from an amazing and hilarious interview. The guy was asking him a series of "This or That" questions and then he asked "West or East Coast" and they reacted like that. The guy felt so bad about it he even asked sorry about it xD Anyways feel free to give me any kind of advice. **

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