Ch.13: the Pure Blood and the Half Breed

Beginne am Anfang

Naruto left and I stood in what was now my room. It was nice, cleaner then my room at home. That's when it occurred to me, Ino would no longer be able to burst in and wake me up an hour early. Breathing a happy sigh I flopped down on the bed. Maybe this could work. I wonder who these two big bad demons that are causing trouble. Could they be after Toshida? I felt my self drifting off to sleep. I hope things go smoothly.

Zabuza pov

This sleepy town held but one thing for me. The shadowed heart was the strongest power I've ever seen be produced from the demon world and it's a power I myself have to wield. "Maybe we should rest for tonight." Haku said. He was always keeping up which served me well. "Sure. Let us stay at the hotel up ahead. Just for tonight, tomorrow we do everything we can to lure out the Shadowed heart." I said. He nodded and walked beside me, "Sir..."
"I noticed." I growled. A complication has just stepped in our way. A young man stood in front of us, his pearl white eyes were somewhat familiar. "Great just what I need. More demons." He said. "Kid don't throw your life away. Just move." Peering at the sword strapped to my back he smirked. "With a weapon like that I can easily take down that filthy Uchiha." That caught my interest.

"Haku didn't you say the ones who attacked us. One of them were an Uchiha?" I asked.
"Yes sir."
"Hmm...then maybe you can help us hunter. What's your name." I asked.
"Neji. Neji Hyuga. And if it means the death of the blood sucker you can count me in." He said with intentional malice.
"Good. Let's talk."

Sasuke pov

"Don't die half breed." Those damn words haunted me. Rolling over in bed I started to drift off when the dream started. It started off simple and unlike any other dream and it's because of this that my feelings toward Sakura started to get mixed up. I stood down in the living room, everything was bright the sun exploded into the house threw every possible place. It didn't irritate my skin like normal and at first I didn't notice until a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I froze, no one ever touched me as gently as this person was. "Morning baby." I recognized that voice. It was Sakura's voice. Turning to face her my breath caught in my throat. The light brightened her emerald eyes so that they seemed to be glowing. Everything about her looked enhanced. Her pale complexion radiated strength and pose. Her beauty was something that would never be matched or outdone.

"You ok baby?" She asked. Her small pouty pink lips were enticing as if almost begging to be kissed. Whoa hold it, I Sasuke Uchiha couldn't have possibly just thought that. That's when I saw them, it all made sense now why she looked so good and why I seemed to be so drawn to her and it was all answered by a flash of the new pair of fangs she was sporting.

"How?..." I asked. She tilted her head slightly. "Your not making a lot of sense baby. How what?" She asked. Her cherry blossom colored hair swayed slightly. "Your a" I asked. She smiled which showed off the top and bottom fangs then she blushed as if I should know the answer and it was embarrassing. "You know was right after our honeymoon. Things got a little heated you bit my neck then a few days later I had fangs too." She explained. I nodded then did a double take, "Did you say honeymoon? You and me....are married?" I asked. Her already bright smile grew larger, "Yes. I'm Mrs.Sakura Uchiha." Before I could respond the sound of someone running down the stairs caught my attention.

"Daddy!!" I was tackled by a smiling purple haired ball of sunshine. "Toshida?" I questioned. She smiled up at me, "Yep." She said then snuggled against me. "Todays her birthday. And the anniversary of the day we adopted her." I stared at her, then over at Sakura. I finally had what I've never had a chance of having. A family. A smiling happy wife, someone who I could rely. And a giggling little girl who I had to protect. There was a knock on the door, "I've got it." Sakura said. That's when the nightmare started.

As soon as she opened the door a loud bang. Sakura feel backwards onto the floor. Her bright eyes were no longer shining and the glowing of her skin was dulled by the shadow in the doorway. I would recognized those eyes from anywhere. Itachi came walking in with a gun in his hand. Sakura shakily looked over at me, a puddle of blood began to leak out from under her, a bloody hole was now in her stomach. "Save...her..." She coughed before he shot again hitting her right between the eyes. Toshida screamed and Itachi laughed, I stood there and stared at her. At the woman who was my partner and wife. "Hello half breed. Sorry but finally father has deemed you unworthy of the Uchiha name. And to disgrace us even more you go out and marry a worthless familiar."
"Daddy." Toshida sobbed. Itachi pointed his gun at her, "Any last thing to say to your daddy little girl?" He asked. My body screamed for me to run to shield Toshida but Sakura's dull emerald eyes held mine. "Daddy...please...let's go. Please.." She begged. I took her head but before I could move he fired. The bullet hit her in the head killing her instantly. My body shook not outta fear but out of pain. Tears ran down my face, "Now your turn half breed." Itachi said. He rose the gun and pointed at me, "Todays a good day." I stared blankly at the body of Toshida then Sakura....that's when he shot.

I sat up in bed covered in a thin sheen of sweat. I grabbed my shirt and wiped my face off, sleeping shirt less should have made me cooler. "You ok daddy?" Came a small whisper from beside me. I glanced down to see Toshida snuggled up beside me. "What are you doing here?" I muttered. She yawned then rubbed her eyes which caused her purple hair to fall in her face. "I had a bad dream daddy so I came to sleep with you so you could make the monsters go away." She said. A flash of Toshida from my dream made me sigh, "Ok. I'll protect you. I have to go to the bathroom so go back to sleep." I said. She smiled then nodded sleepily and laid back down. After finding Toshida it was as tho I adopted her, she's like my daughter and I'll keep my promise. I'll protect her.

Climbing out of bed I walked to my bathroom did my business then started back to my room when I saw that Sakura's door was open. Walking down I peered in and smirked when I found her sleeping with her legs dangling over the side. Walking in I moved her so she'd be more comfortable then put a blanket over her. Something that I'd never admit to. I looked back at her then smirked and walked out closing the door behind me. Which led me to run into a smiling Naruto. "What the hell are you smiling about?" I growled. He started toward his room, "Nothing it's just good to see your heart isn't completely turned to stone." He disappeared behind his bedroom door leaving me standing there thinking about his words. Little did I know things were going to get worse but I wouldn't be alone.

To be continued....

(A/N: So how was it? Good, Bad, Ugly? Feedback please. Thank you for reading, next chapter coming soon.)

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