As fast as I could, I touched my cheeks and felt the heat, thus I covered them up and looked back at a laughing Namjoon. I pouted lightly.

"H-Hyung! T-This isn't f-funny!" I cover my face with both of my palms making sure he doesn't see, but then, how am I going to get out? Without seeing anything. Is this what blind people feel like?

Namjoon's footsteps could be heard coming closer towards me making me feel even more anxious. They finally stopped, I peeked between my fingers to see my smiling hyung in front of me. He then ruffled my hair making me utterly confused.

"We should go before we wake up Taehyung-shi." Uncovering my face, I look over to see Tae hyung still sleeping.. Cute.

"O-Ok, Lets g-got." I whispered tip toeing out of his room along with hyung. As soon as we got out, I slowly closed the door making sure I don't wake him up.

"Jungkook-shi, go to sleep. Everything will become better tomorrow." He smiled walking away to his room as I stood there thinking.

Why did Tae get hurt? Who did it- He said it was his old friend, but I want a name. Why? Why did him 'old friend' attack him. And how would he get me involved if I only know his name. Hmm.. I should go to sleep..

A light peaked through my window as I heard songs from birds outside. I roll around on my freshly covered bed grabbing my IPhone 6 just to look at the time.

05:09. Really early. Too early to be exact.
The curtains moved a little by the wind making my plain room become illuminated. Slightly I turn my head into my cushions letting a raspy yawn come out.
Then again I try to resume to my slumber as the lazy child I am.

However, sudden dragged out feet movements caught my attention. They seemed uneven and quite loud; scraping on the wall could also be heard.

Oh my god! What if it a zombie! I don't want to die young! Thus I cover myself so that only my eyes would be peeking out along with my mop of black bed hair.

"Zombies don't exist," I stare at my door awarding for it to be knocked down. But if stares could keep kill then this door would be in Narnia. Another uneven and loud step echoed through the hallway making me dig into my sheets even more. "Right?"

I waited for a couple of minutes, for a noise to appear, but with luck nothing was heard. I took off the sheets from my head and looked over to the door sighing.

Am I such a scaredy cat? Not really, I just love imagining things which makes me more of an adventurous type. I would love to do thrlling things like bungeejumping going to old abandoned houses just for fun. But I never really got the opportunities because my parents knew I had anxiety making them think that thrilling things would hurt me even more.

Hello securely laid back down on my bed I look outside the window, seeing the beautiful trees and ombré skies. Just as I close my eyes loud footsteps footsteps appear yet again causing me to jump out of my bed and fall on the floor. It was nothing about, is just a small thump that barely anyone could hear. However the person that was walking by seemed to notice. I gulped staring at the door, yet again.

"Please don't come, Please don't come, Please don't come..." I chanted quietly under my breath wishing the person would just walk by and ignore me.

And my wish was granted.


Walking back from to my room I heard a noise coming from Jungkook's room. I waited for more signs of activity but nothing came. Therefore I decided to walk away, back to my room leaving the younger alone. Anyway, I don't think he'd like company at this time. Slowly I shuffle from the bathroom towards my room as fast but quiet as possible. I'd still like to know why am sick or even how.

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