I shake my head. 

"Well, what were you guys doing today?"

"We were just in my room, watching movies." I explain and her eyes widen. "I had a stomach ache and still have it... only a little though." I take a big sip of my drink hoping that this subjects ends with that, but Mr. McAllister has other plans.

"What were you guys watching?" He asks directly looking at me as I stare down to my plate.

"Just some disney movies. Olivia's favourites." Niall smiles and puts his left hand, that he doesn't need to eat, on my thigh.

"So you were just watching movies? Just that? Come on! You must have done other things too." Mr. McAllister looks to Niall but I can feel other pairs of eyes looking at me. My Mother's. I blush embarrassed, even though there's nothing wrong with watching movies in my room.

"And we slept. Some disney movies can get very tiring." Niall chuckles and it's the most awkward one of all that I've ever head from him. A few minutes of silent pass by and I start to eat quicker. I just want this dinner to be done as quick a possible. I feel like, even David felt the awkwardness in this room. He has been quiet the entire time.

"Olivia!"Mr. McAllister breaks the silent at the near end.

"Yes, Mr. McAllister?" I look up from my plate and look at him noticing that he has green eyes like Ethan.

"Oh please just call me Robert here." He smiles and looks from me to my mother as if he's seeking help from her for whatever he's trying to approach.

"I'll try." I smile and take a sip of my drink. I'll never get use to call Mr. McAllister Robert, not even in a million years. I feel like, I know it as much as the rest of human beings in this room.

"Good and... do you know what book you're going to read for the next term?" He questions and I shrug. I honestly have no idea. There was that time, where I had every book planed. For every week, I had a book that I wanted to read. Now I don't even know which books are good. Niall has taken up a big space in my brain and I have to admit that I don't study as focused as I used to and I'm not a planned as I used to. But maybe that's something good. Maybe it must be that way. Maybe it's better. Having things planned is great but being spontaneous is great as well.

"I don't know yet." I admit and finish my pasta. When I'm done, I just sip on my drink and wait for Niall to finish too. When he's done, I get up and take his and my plate to the sink.

"Olivia, can you take the cookies out of the pantry?" Mum gets up and takes her and Mr. McAllister – I mean Robert's plate to the sink.

"I'm afraid that we don't have any left, mother." I tell her after looking inside the pantry.

"That can't be. I bought two packages yesterday." She comes over to me and she rubs her forehead with her hand.

"Niall and I ate it." I smile at her and move away.

"I should have known." She shakes her head on us, smirking and takes the glasses of Mr. McAllister and puts them into the sink.

"You guys have to buy more tomorrow." Mum says and raises her eyebrows at me and Niall. I roll my eyes at her, take Niall's hand and lead him out of the kitchen. Instead of going back up to my room, I lead him to the living room. The fireplace is lit and a Harry Potter movie is on. Little David runs into the room, followed by Mum and Mr.McAllister – I mean – Robert. We watch a little bit of the movie and when it's time for David to go to bed, Niall and I take that task. The little boy runs ahead of us, up the stairs and into the guest bedroom. He's already used to our house, since he spends one night, every other week here. I read him a book while Niall plays the little ukulele that's in the room. When he's asleep in bed, we quietly leave the room and go to mine instead of downstairs again. I run over to my bed and jump onto it. Niall closes the door behind him and comes over to me laughing. I lay down on my side of the bed and bury my face into my pillow. It smells like Niall and a little bit of the washing powder that mum uses. Niall rests his head on my back and plays with the ends of my hair as I take my glasses of to rub my eyes.

"He's nice."

I don't know if he referring to David or Mr. McAllister. "Who?"

"David. He's a cute little boy." Niall smiles.

"very true." I agree and my mind starts to wonder if Niall and I will ever have kids. I know that it's to early but it would be pretty nice. A little Niall running around our house. Yet again my mind just takes off and starts dreaming about things that might never happen. Who says that Niall and I will end up together? Who says that he even wants me for that long? Who says that we're going to work up? It's already hard enough to keep our relationship a secret. How are things going to be once we're public? I ask myself the question why too many time and don't notice when Niall stops playing with my hair. I shake my head and close my eyes.

"Boy or girl?" Niall asks all of the sudden.

"What do you mean?" I ask back putting my glasses back on.

"Do you want a girl of a boy first?" He explains his question and my head thinks a long "ohhhhhh" before thinking about his question. I used to want a boy first an than a girl, so that he could protect his younger siblings. And then there was the time where I only wanted girls and the time where I only wanted boys. I never know a order, I just know that I'll have kids one day.

I shrug. "Boy, I guess."

"you guess?" Without having to see his face, I know that he's raising his eyebrows.

"A girl would be nice too... but honestly--"

"As long as they are healthy, everything's going to be alright." Niall finishes for me and I just nod. This whole baby talk is maybe too early for our relationship now, so I change the subject to our plans for New Year's eve. Afterwards we spend the rest of the night watching TV series until we both fall asleep.

Aloud noise form downstairs is what wakes up me. I carefully move out of bed, trying and managing not to wake up Niall and make my way down. The lights in the hallway are lit and so in living room, but the noise come form the kitchen. When I enter the kitchen, I want to slap myself for not bringing any weapon. It might be a burglar. But then it's just Aaron doing through our pantry.

"What are you going?"

My abrupt appearance surprises him and he lets a water bottle drop onto the floor. "You don't have any cookies left."

I roll my eyes at him. "Niall and I ate them all." Now he rolls his eyes at me as I take two water bottles of him. "What are you going?" I repeat my question form before.

"Just..." He doesn't finish as he walks pass me. I follow him into the living room and see my brother, Sam, Calum and Peter laying on the couch.

"Are you drunk?" I ask not really expecting a answer from anyone.

"Boys, sit up." Aaron who seems the most dry of them all, helps them sit up straight and gives Sam and Calum a water bottle. I give Ethan and Peter one and smell the smell of beer on them. Aaron shows that he's not as dry as I thought when he starts to giggle as the boys start to and fail to drink their water. He doesn't stop to giggle and as he walks pass be, I smell the smell of alcohol on him too.

"Long night huh?" I chuckle as Aaron plops down on the armchair.

"Turn the lights off." He instructs me and I stick my tongues out like a five year old as I turn off the lights. I stand at the door and look at them one last time, keeping my laughter inside before I turn around ready to walk away.

"Hey Olive!" Aaron exclaims. I turn around but he doesn't let me say anything before he continues. "I still love you."

My heart skips a beat as I turn around again and rush upstairs. Only when I lay back in bed next to Niall I realize what just happened. Aaron told me that he loves me. He knows that I'm with Niall, but he said it anyway. Maybe he was just drunk, but maybe not.

"Is everything okay?" Niall asks as he puts his am around me.

"Yes." I whisper. He, my boyfriend, cuddles into my side as I run my fingers through his hair.

Aaron is just drunk, I tell myself. He didn't mean it... right?

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