Maneater :: A Twisted Zombie Tale

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My new story. I really like it. I wanted to do a twist on the typical zombie story. :)

dedicated to Karatechop cause her zombie story is preetttyy dang awesome!


It started with cure for period. Scientists thought they'd cured one of women's biggest woes. All you had to do was get a shot and you would never have those pesky cramps or bleeding but you could still have a baby. What they didn't count on was what happened to those babies, well the female babies at least, when they hit puberty.

Something mutated inside the girl's bodies and turned them into flesh hungry monsters.

The male babies? What happens to them you ask? Not a single fucking thing... Except if you count being torn into pieces by the zombies of course.

Isn't that just ridiculous? I mean come on, if you insisted on fucking with Mother Nature you were bound to get kicked in the ass sometime.

Oh did I forget to mention that only females can become zombies? The bite had no effect on men what so ever except for the being torn up and eaten. If you were a female however, one bite and goodbye sweet humanity.

That was 15 years ago when this all started. The world has pretty much gone to shit. When the "cure" came around about 60 percent of the world's female population decided to try it.  Everything worked great for them until you know, their precious little girls turned on them as soon as they hit puberty.

It didn't take long for all government to crumble and the survivors either became nomads or settled into their makeshift cities.  Those cities were mostly filled with men who were pissed off and filled with testosterone. Gangs pretty much ruled cities now. Any female not affected was basically turned into a baby making machine with no free will.

I was lucky, my mother was had me later in life and still had remnants of her "hippie" mindset. No shots for her! So I was safe from turning into a zombie unless I got bitten.

We lived in New York City. Any girl who was found without the "Zombie Gene" was tattooed with the Greek word for "mother"    Μητέρα.  It was a sign that the girl was safe to be used as a birther.

I detest my tattoo but it kept me safe while there was still some kind of order in America. Once females in cities started being kidnapped my parents took me to a small cabin in a huge forest a few hours from the Canadian border.

I was 14 then and I happily spent my days in the forest as if nothing was going on. Of course there was the occupational zombie pack that would venture into the area but my father had been a sniper in the marines and took care of them fast enough.

But one day it all came crashing down. My parents had left me to get supplies in a nearby village and I had stayed home with strict orders to stay inside. But they never came back.

I lived the next 4 years pretty much living off the land and any animals I could catch. I was careful to avoid zombies however because I had no way of killing more than one.

On my 18th birthday my life in solitude came to an end. This is where my fight for survival really starts.

My name is Poppy Lewis and this is my battle with the Maneaters and well... Men.

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