If you go out in the woods today....

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That's Poppy resting in the forest :)

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I pulled my backpack onto my back and took one last glance at the cabin that had been my home for so many years. The good memories that I had there almost made me tear up but I’d sworn I’d never cry again until I found out what happened to my parents 4 years ago.

I know they’d never just leave me without a good reason. I had a sneaking suspicion that someone suspected they had a daughter and my parents had decided to not come home in order to protect me. My father told me he’d rather be separated from me knowing that I was free from the birthing market than be with me and knowing that I was doomed to have one baby a year until I was too old.

Sighing sadly, I closed the door and locked it with the key I kept around my neck. It was 6 am in the morning and I had to find someplace safe to spend the night before darkness hit. 

Maneaters (the name for the zombies) were sensitive to the light so they mostly stayed in caves or the deepest parts of the woods where sunlight couldn’t hit through the thickness of the trees.

I walked off the porch and swiftly walked over to the shed where my father kept his best weapons. I studied the various knives, guns, bats and about everything you could imagine. I’d been trained in the basics in all of them. But I couldn’t load myself up with everything or I would be dangerously slow.

After a few minutes of deliberation I grabbed the 2 smallest 9mm pistols and stuck them into the gun holsters on my belt.

Then I slid knives in each one of my calf straps tht I’d fashioned out of leather a few days ago. You never can have too many knives!  I stuck a couple larger knives onto the straps I had around my thighs.

 My favorite weapon was the Sais. They worked pretty well for severing the spinal cord which would kill the Maneaters instantly. Although the downside is it’s a close quarter’s weapon. But I’d been practicing on ambushing and killing zombies that would venture around my house for the past couple of years. I stuck them into the custom holders I had installed in my backpack.

I stuffed a light, but strong rope in my backpack and dumped all the ammo into my pack as well. I cringed at the weight but it wasn’t too bad and I knew I would need everything.

A small pair of binoculars, a compass, flint stones, and a flannel blanket finished off the space in the backpack.  I attached my canteen full of water onto the top of my pack and tied my hair up into a bun with a leather strip.

“All ready to go… well I don’t know but anywhere but here.” I muttered, walking into woods with one last glance at my precious house. Hopefully I’d be able to come back someday but I couldn’t stand being alone anymore. I needed to find someone. I knew it was unlikely I’d find my parents but if I couldn’t find them then maybe a friend.

The woods were dark and eerily silent. I kept my eyes open for any sign of a Maneater pack or a bounty hunter searching for females for the birthing prisons. While I walked I quietly sang the lullaby my mother used to sing to me,

"If you go down to the woods today

You're sure of a big surprise.

If you go down to the woods today

You'd better go in disguise.

For ev'ry bear that ever there was

Will gather there for certain, because

Maneater :: A Twisted Zombie TaleWhere stories live. Discover now