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The feeling of the cool refreshing water gliding across my tail never seizes to amaze me. People think that mermaids are a myth. A creature people made up to create stories to tell to their children. If you asked anyone my age they would say they aren't real. But not me. My name is Tris Prior. I live on the coast of Australia- well kind of. These beautiful mythical creatures that make up such a wonderful part of a child's imagination is my reality. I'm a mermaid. When I touch water I grow a tail and I have to dry off to grow legs again. I wasn't always like this. I use to be just like every other child. Dreaming of princesses and mermaids but one day changed my whole life forever when I was just 8 years old. I was exploring the rocks with my brother Caleb near my house and we found a cave. Seeing as we were naïve and didn't know any better though now I wish I did, we decided to check it out which then lead to me falling in the water. Under the water was a little ring that was silver with a blue stone place in the centre. I put it on and suddenly grew a shimmering purple tail. My brother's reaction was priceless. He started to say how illogical it was but I just looked at myself frozen.

Throughout the years Caleb and I have discovered what I can do with my powers and how to hide the secret well. I now wear my ring on a chain around my neck. My best friends and my parents all think that when Caleb and I went on that walk I almost drowned so I therefore now have and extreme phobia of it. They have no idea that that day wasn't a terrifying experience, but a life changing one. I do admit it is hard lying to them sometimes but if the word got out that I was a mermaid I'd probably be taken away to be experimented on. We are both now 16 and I have my life under some control, managing to keep a whole half of my life to just me and my twin, until my dad decided to screw it all up.

"Kids we have something to tell you and I know your not gonna like it because you love this beach and this town so so much and I hate to break it to you, but we're moving." At that moment I realised how difficult it is going to be trying to be a mermaid in a different place to my home.

"Where exactly are we moving dad?" I ask. Hoping and pray he only meant like down the street or something.

"We are moving to California In the USA." All I could think was, 'What if my body like screws up or something because I'm not at home!' This could be dangerous but I can't do anything about it.

"Now kids, I know you don't want to leave your friends, but his work opportunity will be so rewarding for your father." My mother says with a gentle tone. I am gonna miss my friends but that isn't the problem on my mind right this moment. I decided to leave my family standing in the kitchen, and walk away to my room. I could tell Caleb knew what I was thinking, but I'm glad he didn't follow me. At this moment I just want to be alone.

After a while of lying on my bed contemplating my thoughts. I decided to go to the one place that gave me serenity; the water. For the few weeks I had left of living in Australia, I spent most of my time in the water but my parents were under the illusion of thinking I was saying goodbye to friends. Knowing that my old reality will never return to me, I have to real with the challenge ahead.

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