Chapter Eighteen

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"I don't mean like that. What I mean is that you're a good kid, Paul, and I would never have thought that you would go for the troublemaker types,"Jim explained.

"He's not as bad as you think, da'. Sure he does get in trouble sometimes, but that part of life, isn't it? You can't be Mister Goodie Goodie forever, y'know."

Paul waited for his dad to say something else about John being a "bad influence" and how "he's a horrible person", but he didn't open his mouth. Instead he just sat back, never breaking eye contact with him. So he went on,

"He's actually very sweet, anyway. To me at least," Paul paused and grabbed Johns hand and held it in his.

"When I would get bullied in school, he would always step in and stop it. He would hurt the bullies if he had to. Just for me. Also, when I was staying with him for these past two or three weeks, he brought me to a store to let me get some clothes. He knew I needed clothes, so he bought me some with the money he was saving up for a new guitar. And just the other week, we went to a pub. I drank a bit too much beer, and I got drunk. He didn't take advantage of me or any of that stuff. He just took me home and made me go to sleep. So, if that makes him a bad influence, then I don't care. I'll love him either way."

Paul as watched as Jim nodded slowly, taking all of this information in. John smiled and squeezed his boyfriends hand tighter. That whole rant Paul just went on about how "sweet" he was made him feel overjoyed with happiness. Paul really did love him.

"And how do you feel about my son, Lennon?"

"I love him more than anything." Paul smiled widely at John and then looked back at his dad who seemed to be considering that statement. What would he do, now? Kick John out?



"Alright?!" Paul and John said in unison. Was he serious?

Jim nodded his head and got up to get some coffee.

"Would anyone like some tea or coffee?" he asked politely. Paul ignored his question and jumped up to follow him into the kitchen.

"What do you mean 'alright'?"

"I mean that's fine."

"Are you saying you don't mind that we're dating?" Paul inquired. He couldn't be serious. This had to be a joke.

"Exactly." Jim took a sip from his mug and looked over at his son, who looked both confused and happy.

"Wait, wait, wait. So you put me through hell for weeks because I was in love with another boy, and then you say it's okay?!"

"I suppose so. I'm sorry for that." Jim laughed slightly at how flustered Paul was.

"What the f- could you please explain?"

"These past weeks you were at Johns house, I was thinking. I figured it was utterly ridiculous to be shouting at you for loving someone. And, I am sorry if I hurt you, Paul. I know things have been difficult since...Mary died, and I don't want to make them even worse." Paul smiled sadly at his father and walked up to hug him.

"Thank you," he whispered.

They wandered back into the dining room where Mike and John sat at the table, doing nothing in particular. Paul had forgotten about Mike.

"Tommy here heard our conversation," John informed. He knew his name was Mike, but he liked to make him mad.

"It's mike," Paul's younger brother mumbled. "Anyway, you're gay?"

"Did you finish your homework yet?" Jim asked.

"Don't change the subject. Is Paul gay or not?" Mike tried once again to get some information out of someone.

"Yes, he's very happy. Now go finish your school work, okay Martin?" John smirked, satisfied with his comment. Mike huffed in defeat and reluctantly went back into the sitting room.

"John, would you like to stay for dinner? I'd like to get to know you this time."

John looked at Paul, not sure if Jim was being serious or not. Paul nodded slightly, smiling.

"I'd love to."

Today was a new start for both John and Paul. It could only get better from here. Right?


I could have ended this story right here, but I don't feel like it.

Tuesday is Johnny's death day. Rest in paradise John ♡


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