welcome home

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Aaliyah p.o.v

Is time for me to bring Heaven home so I pack her bags and her daddy got her car seat and we left the hospital and we drove home

august-what is u thinking

  Aaliyah - I think we should move

august- oh really I been think that but it's kind not the right time

  Aaliyah- just me and the baby not u u good where u at

august- oh I know that  I'm just joking a little

Aaliyah- ight..

august- why

Aaliyah- because it's a lot gonna on it be to much for my kid

august- ight  well we here

Aaliyah- yes well I'm gonna in the house so get my baby  and her  stuff

august- u just gonna go like that

Aaliyah- u got it 

august- u just had a baby not just and u still look good

Aaliyah- ik walking out

5 min later

august p.o.v - come on my little angel plz go to sleep haven don't wanna go to sleep when I try to put her down she just start crying loud maybe she wanna watch tv so I cut on football she didn't like that maybe she want mama so I took her upstairs with her mama marihia  said trying to get her up

Aaliyah- huh

august- I don't know how to put the baby to sleep

Aaliyah- did u really try

august- yeah I cut on football but she didn't like it

Aaliyah- she is  girl

august- some girls like football uk

Aaliyah- ight see how u holding her

august- yeah

Aaliyah- rock her


Aaliyah- look she sleep now

august-I'm lay her down

Aaliyah- ok

I was hear knocking at the door so I got up to see who it was I open it and it was diggy

Aaliyah- diggy

diggy- can we talk

Aaliyah- about

diggy- the baby

Aaliyah- u was not here then so don't try to be now

diggy- girl move pushing me out of the way

Aaliyah- u don't live here so u can't just push me out the way so u can sit down

diggy- whatever look just sit down for a min

to august came down stair looking like wt..................

august- u good ma

diggy- she good

august- was I talking to u

diggy-no but I'm talking to

august- look u don't want it

diggy- who is u

Aaliyah- look everybody  my baby are sleep be kool and yes august I'm good sit next to me

diggy- really wow

Aaliyah- don't start

diggy-marihia I'm gonna go  so call me when u don't have people around

Aaliyah- ok I'm call u around 12 or 1

diggy- ight bye

Aaliyah-baby u have to be kool

august- ik but why was he here

Aaliyah- he said he want to talk about the baby

diggy-oh look ma I be back I have to do I new music video

Aaliyah- be good

august- I'm always good

Aaliyah- when u around girls uk what u do

diggy- I'm be good bye give me a kiss

Aaliyah- no kiss bye

diggy- come on


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