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Ms.Scott: just look

Then she said look just sit down so we with to sit down we sat right next together and idk why but whatever so ms.Scott was telling us that we gonna have in love teacher that's gonna be teaching us about love

Aaliyah: what

Ms.Scott: huh

Aaliyah: nun

Ms.Scott: any questions

Chris rise his head and the teacher saw it then say ''no more questions''

Chris: u know u  saw me

Ms.scott: Chris !!!!! Plz just stop
The hold class didn't know what's was going on well I'm trying to figure out why the teacher yelling at Chris and why was Chris adivinha the teacher I don't know mann its something about them two I just can't put my finger on it but im find out well maybe I should just stay out of it because that's none of my business and I have problems on my own but I just want to know Why everytime Chris raised his hand the teacher says no more questions that's crazy and that's weird I don't know well maybe I should or maybe I shouldn't idk this is harder than I think

Chris: I'm see u after class ''chris said to the teacher''

ms.Scott: whatever

Aaliyah: weird

Ms.Scott: huh u said sum mar

Aaliyah: no

Ms.Scott: OK well

As the teacher was saying that the the bell rung

Ms.Scott: oh class dismissed ''looking crazy''

Everybody left I was walking outside to talk to my girl's and I did that to I got a text's from my bf he said he back and he miss me and he said I need to get myself  home with him ightn so I told my girls I have to go so they walk me to my bf house he don't stay far he have 2 house's one to be closer to me and the sec one in Atlanta as I was walk I got a texts from diggy to be ready at 10:32 for our date I text and said right
meanwhile Chris still at school

Chris: what's your problem you been tripping for a month now

Ms.Scott: ''not saying nothing''

Chris: answer me!!!! ''Getting louder''

Ms.Scott: u just......

Chris: look u making us very noticeable you need to get it together

ms.Scott: I'm trying but......

Chris: but what

Ms.scott: u making us hard

Chris: how

ms.scott by look so sexy

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