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*2nd person POV*

Jack continued to love Elsa throughout her entire life. Even when she was old and gray, he still said that she was the beautiful woman in the world. When Elsa didn't provide an heir to the throne, the kingdom simply looked to Anna and Kristoff. Along with their two children, Elsa Arens the second, and Jackson. Anna had decided to name her kids after them, so that they may live on.

Hundreds of years later, when Jack was alone. Elsa had appeared to him, forming out of the ice and snow in the wind. Looking just as she did when Elsa was in her prime. "Jack." She said, Jack ran towards her. Elsa made herself solid enough for Jack to hold. He kissed her, "Oh Elsa, I've missed you so much." He said, she laughed. "Jack, I never left you. When I died, I became a part of the wind. I came to you, to give you some advice."
"What it is?"
"I want you to consider joining the guardians. You give children fun, you protect them. Please Jack, you were once my guardian." Jack thinks this over, walking with Elsa. Not letting go of her hand, finally he gives her an answer. "Ok. I'll try."
"Good." Elsa kisses him quickly, "I must go now."
"No Elsa! Please don't leave me! Please, I never stopped loving you. Ever. Please, stay." Elsa smiles at him, "I love you too. But I can't, I promise though. That I will always be with you." Jack nods and kisses her one last time, Elsa takes one step away. Then the wind slowly blows her away, Jack never let go of her hand.
Then he heard a whisper from the wind. "I love you."

After Jack had beat pitch, and north was making him an official guardian. He saw Elsa appear, out of the wind and ice. She smiled at him and mouthed, "I'm so proud of you, my guardian." She blew a kiss to him, he heard the words; I love you. Then she was gone again.

Jack continued to be a guardian of fun, and Elsa continued to visit him. They never stopped loving one another, for all of their lives.

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