Chapter 6

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"Your majesty, time to get ready for your coronation." A servant said.
"Thank you." I say back, truth is I've been up for hours. Once again I feel like I've been kissed furiously, and a cold feeling on my cheek. I look in the mirror, yup my lips are red. I was definitely kissed last night. Every once and while I had 'a dream' that Jack had come to my room. I would then kiss him like crazy, but I knew that it wasn't. I knew that I told Jack to leave to protect himself from my powers: but I'm so happy he didn't listen. That first night, I was having a nightmare & I heard Jacks voice. I opened my eyes and I saw him. At first I thought I was still dreaming until he kissed me. It was only a few times that I would wake up and kiss him. I missed him so much, but tonight I would officially let him back into my life. After the coronation party, I'll stay awake and wait on him, and apologize.
I finished getting dressed, I walked over to my father's painting in my study. "Today's the day." I say, I take off my gloves. "Conceal, don't feel," I pick up two objects that are similar to the one's I'll hold during the ceremony. "Put on a show. Make one wrong move and everyone will know." My objects freeze in my hands, I quickly set them down and out my gloves back on. "But it's only for today. Just today only, it's agony to wait." I walk over to the doors and open them. "Tell the guards to open up the gates." I order the staff.

"....queen Elsa of Arendale." The priest finishes. My objects were starting to freeze during the sermon, so when he finished I quickly put them down and put my gloves back on. I smile at the crowd.

"This is so nice. I wish we could do this all the time." Anna says, we've been reconnecting for the first time in years. For more than just one day. "Me too," I frown and look away. "But it can't."
"Well why not it's-"
"It just can't." I completely turn away from her. I wish it could, I can't risk anyone finding out about my powers. "Ok..excuse me." She says, sounding disappointed. As she walks away, I look back at her. I'm sorry Anna. A snow flake lands on my glove. Jack? I walk over to a corner in the ballroom. "Jack you there?" I whisper, he has to be here. Why else would a snowflake land on me? "I'm here Elsa." I here him whisper, I can't see him though. "Jack I've missed you so much. Where are you?"
"I'm here. Just hiding, so one thinks that your kissing air." He laughs, so do I. "Queen Elsa? Nobles are wanting to meet you." A servant asks. "I'll be right there. I just needed to breathe." I turn back where I've been hearing Jack's voice. "I'll see you tonight?" I whisper. "Tonight. My snow queen." He whispers back. I smile, my old nickname. I went from princess to queen in just one day. I went over to meet those nobles.

"....what are you so AFRAID OF?!" Anna yells. "I SAID ENOUGH!!!" I yell out, ice shoots out of my hand. It comes out in spikes all around me. I stare at everyone in horror. They know, I find the doorknob behind me. I run out.

I'm running far far far away from my old kingdom. I can never go back, I saw the look on Anna's face. She was shocked, I need to protect her at all costs. Unlike jack, I could seriously hurt her. I'm walking up the north mountain, when Jack flies up beside me. "Elsa Elsa. Where are you going?"
"Jack I can't. People called me a monster, I have to protect my kingdom." I tell him, he nods. "Ok, but let your powers go."
"What?" I ask him. "Elsa. Just let it go." Jack says. "Like this?" I ask making soft snow. "Yeah."
I start singing its always helped me. I finish making my castle. I take off my crown, "I'm never going back, the past is in the past." I throw away the crown, and take down my royal bun. I smooth back my bangs, and I bring my braid out to wear I can see it. It's messy but elegant. I then make myself a new dress made completely out of ice. I also make new shoes and cape. "That perfect girl is gone. Here I stand! In the light of day!" I walk out to my balcony and throw my hands up in the air. "Let the storm rage on! The cold never bothered me anyway." I turn around and shut the doors. I see Jack standing there, his mouth wide open. I giggle, "What?" I ask smiling

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