Chapter 16 Jack Frost

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I'm standing in front of Anna's door, I can't seem to make myself knock. I'm too nervous. Just do it Jack! It's been a couple weeks since I saved Elsa from Hans. Hans is awaiting trial in his country, for an unprovoked attack against the queen of another. I hope he gets what he deserves. Finally I knock on Anna's door, hopefully she's in there.
"Jack. What do you need?" She opens the door.
"I need to talk to you for a moment."
"Alright. Come on in." She gestures for me to go in, after I'm inside she closes the door. "What did you need to talk about?" Anna asks, I take a deep breath and turn around. "I want to ask your permission to marry Elsa. So, May I have your blessing to marry your sister?" I ask, a smile spreads on her face and she starts jumping up and down.
"Of course you can!!" Anna laughs and gives me a hug, I hug her back. "Thank you Anna."
"Now how are you going to ask her?" Anna asks, I laugh. "Alright I'll tell you."

*Elsa's POV*
I haven't seen Jack for a couple hours, I go to my study to finish some work for today. When I sit down at my desk, there's a letter sitting right in the center. It's addressed to me, From Jack, it reads, I smile. I open the letter and start reading.
Dear Elsa,

I'm sure that you're wondering where I've been. Don't worry, you'll soon see why. Remember that time during the ball last year? Where I made that joke about you kissing air? Go there, there's something or someone waiting for you. See you soon my snow queen.
Love your guardian,

Jack Frost.

P.S. I saw you blushing that night, I bet you wanted to kiss me.

I blush after reading the letter, I did want to kiss him that night. I'm surprised to this day that I just didn't demand for Jack to show himself, and kiss me anyway. This is probably one of his plans to get me away from work. I could use the excuse anyway. I get up and head towards the ballroom.

When I reach the ballroom, there's a small table in the corner where Jack and I had our secret conversation during the ball. I still cherish that moment, he made me smile when I didn't think I could. I go over to the table, on it is a vase. Inside is a single ice rose, carved from an ice block. I grab the rose, there's a note on the table. I open it and start reading.

Dear Elsa,
I first gave you a rose like this a few days after your coronation. But unlike that rose, this one will melt. And just like the first rose, my love for you will never melt. I know I'm making you run all over your castle, but where's the first place that we met? If you remember, go there. I promise, there is a process to the madness. Your next clue is waiting.
Love your guardian,

Jack Frost

Oh Jack. I reluctantly put the rose back, knowing that it will melt. He spent so much time making it, I hate to leave it. I sigh and walk away, I head back upstairs to my room. The place where we first met.

I open the door to my room, there is snow all over my bed. "Boo!" I jump and turn around. "Anna. You scared me." I put my hand over my chest, she laughs. "I know. Jack wanted me to be here for the next thing he left for you. Now come on open it." She squeals, I laugh at her. "Ok, ok. I'll open it."
I grab the letter, it's a heavier than the first two. When I reach inside, it a large ice snowflake, the size of both my hands put together. I gasp, so does Anna. "Read the letter!" I get the letter out while holding the snowflake.

Dear Elsa,

When I first met you, I was so happy that you believed in me. What I didn't know, that I would eventually fall ever so deeply in love with you. You are beautiful, delicate, breathtaking, striking, and unique. This large unique snowflake, was made from many different snowflakes, none are the same. That's what you are to me, even though there are many other different girls. To me, you stand out. You are more beautiful, breathtaking, funny, and loving. No one compares to you. I love you.
Next, go to your ice castle. Your final gift is there.
Love your guardian,

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