Chapter 15

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I'm still crying when Hans walks back in. I immediately stop when the door opens, he will not see me as weak. "What do you want?" I sneer at him, he smiles, gosh I hate him. "I wanted to know if you've considered my offer for marriage." Hans puts his hands behind his back.
I shake my head, "Never." I hiss at him, he pulls out his sword and puts it under my chin. I lift my head, I look at him without any emotion on my face. "You will marry me, or I will kill you."
"There's no point in killing me."
"Why do you think that? Your kingdom will be left without a ruler, and no heir."
"You forgot about Anna." I whisper, he smirks at me. "Like I don't know they're already here." My eyes widen, they can't be here. He's toying with me, I don't even know where I am. How would they even know where to look? "I saw them after I left to get some new gloves, they tried to hide..but they failed. They'll never get past my guards, and precious princess Anna. Will be killed, along with you, if you won't marry me."
My eyes are full of hatred at him. I refuse to give in to him, "I would rather die, then subject myself to you." Hans lifts up his sword, and hits the handle on my head. I scream in pain, he hit the sore spot from earlier. My ears ring for a moment, and I roll onto my back, grimacing with pain. He grabs the collar of my dress, "I don't care if you love me or not! You will marry me!"
Hans throws me back on the ground. "My answer is It will always be no." He narrows his eyes, I hear the door unlocking, and then it opens. There he is, Jack, here to save me.

*Jacks POV*
"Jack!" Elsa smiles, like I'm just the person she's been waiting for. I don't doubt it. "Elsa! Are you ok?"
"Who are you talking to?" Hans asks her, he doesn't even turn around. "Jack Frost. You're about to get your ass kicked." Woah dang, this is a new side of Elsa. Hans turns around, and smiles. "Ah. Jack Frost, I was hoping you would be the one to show up."
I raise my staff up at him. "How do you know who I am?"
"Just like Elsa, apparently, I've believed in you since I was a child. My brothers ignored me a lot, so did my mother, so you were a friend to me."
"How did you keep believing in me? Even till now, you should have grown out of it!" I yell at him. I was hoping to take him by surprise, and just be a simple, freeze him, grab Elsa and leave. Now I'm just angry at him, kidnapping the love of my life, and beating her.
"Simple, you flew by my castle almost every week, I saw you. So that kept my belief alive. I now know that was because you were seeing her. Falling ever so deeply in love." He clicks his tongue and laughs. "Pathetic."
I see Elsa using what's left of her strength, to freeze her chains.
"You'll never get away with this." I say, then I whip some ice at him. He somehow avoids it, "What?"
"Oh I forgot to mention....I have control over heat." He takes off his gloves and throws fire in my direction. I manage to block it just in time, I stare at him in shock. How?
I ignore the question in my head and attack again. He barely blocks it, but the force of the blow knocks him off his feet for a second.
I try to attack again, but he's better prepared and blocks again. He quickly counter attacks, I make an ice wall right in front of me. It melts when his fire touches it. But I've already moved, I jump up in the air. He looks around, I smile. I attack again. Bullseye, I freeze him up to his neck. Giving him enough room to breathe.
"Nice try Hans. But I win." I smile at him, then I run over to Elsa. She's breathing, she may be strong, but trying to use her powers to freeze herself, after being beaten. Was not a good idea, I freeze the rest she was unable to do. Then I lift my staff over my head and slam it against the chains. They broke instantly, Elsa falls forward. I catch her before her head can hit the ground.
Her face is badly bruised, I brushed my hand over her hair. I feel a bump on her head. "Oh Elsa. I'm so sorry I couldn't reach you sooner." I whisper, I pick Elsa up in my arms and walk her out. Leaving Hans for Anna and the guards. They're outside, arresting the others. I hide inside a room with no door. They run right past me, heading right towards where I was just at.
I bring Elsa outside, I'm met by just Anna and Kristoff. "Elsa! Oh my gosh." She looks over Elsa and her injuries. All we can see are the one's on her face, "I need to bring her back to her room. Check for other bruises and possibly cuts." I tell her, she looks at me weirdly. "But Jack, isn't that a little. Indecent?"
I smile, "Don't worry. It's only to check for injuries." She breathes out in relief, "That better be it frost. Or I'll have your head."
I laugh, "It will be Anna. I promise." She smiles, I walk over a few feet and jump up in the air and fly in the air.

Once I reach the castle, I go up to Elsa's bedroom window and open it with my elbow. Thankfully she left it unlocked, I go over to her bed and gently lay her down. I then go over to the window and close it. I hear Elsa stirring, I look over to her. "Jack?" She murmurs, "What's going on?"
"It's ok Elsa, I beat Hans. You passed out, so I brought you over here to check for more injuries. Unfortunately you're going to...have to..take off your dress." I blush, so does she. This will be the most I've seen of her, ever.
"Alright. I-I'll take it off." She tries to get up, but she goes right back down. "I-I can't. It hurts too much, y-you are going to have to do it."
"Ok." I take a deep breath and lean over her. I don't take my eyes off hers as I reach under her back. It takes me a moment to find the buttons that go down her back. My fingers move slowly as I unbutton her dress.
Her breath hitches after the first one comes undone. She doesn't take her eyes off me. This is feeling more intimate then it needs to be. I finish getting her dress undone, I feel the wrap the goes around her chest. I bring my hands up to her shoulders, and I take her sleeves off. Seeing nothing but the wrap over her. Her body is beautiful. Focus Jack!
I finish getting her dress off, and I set it aside. She's just wearing, her chest wrap and a short half dress around her waist. I'm breathing heavily, she's so breathtaking. "You're beautiful." I whisper.
Her face turns even more red than it was when it was when I was getting her undressed. "Thank you." She says quietly. I lean over her again, this time to look for bruises. There are a couple on her stomach, several on her legs and one on her right arm.
"Elsa. I'm going to need ice to treat these bruises, and there may be some on your back."
"I'll uhh..I'll have the maids bring it to me." She takes a few deep breaths, "Miss scarlet!"
"Yes your majesty?" Asks the maid, "I need you to bring me some ice please. Leave it by the door & knock when you set it down."
"Yes your majesty." The maid quickly walks away. "She- she will be back soon." Elsa lays back down. I sit on the bed next to her, and out my hand on the other side of her body. "Elsa, I'm so sorry I couldn't get to you sooner." I kiss the bruise on her face gently, she puts her hand on my face. I cover it with my own. "It's ok. You came just in time."
I kiss her hand, "I love you Els."
"I love you too Jack." I lean down and kiss her, delicately I don't want to hurt her. She brings her other hand to my face, she kisses me back. I'm about to become more passionate when there's knocking on the door. We jump apart. "It must be the maid." I go to the door and open it, the maid left. I grab the ice, "You know. I could have made ice." I say smiling, she smiles back. I could drown in her smile.
"I forgot." She laughs, I get the ice out and place it on her bruises. "Now. Can I kiss you again?" I ask smiling. "Of course." I lean down and kiss her again, avoiding the ice. She locks her hands around my neck, I kiss her passionately. She could've died, I love her more than anything. Suddenly my sleeve is wet, I look down, all of the ice has melted. I look over at Elsa, she smiles. "Love thaws."
I laugh and kiss her again, she is the best thing to ever happen to me.

A Winter's taleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora