21. The Chase - Harry

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The Chase - Harry

"That's my boy," Rick says as he pats me on the back when I walk out of the station.

"Don't touch me," I reply, shrugging his hand off of me.

"What you did was for the best and you know it."

"What I did was best for you, not me."

"It will be in the long run, just watch. One day, you'll be thanking me."

"No. I will never thank you. For anything."

"Just get in the car, yeah?"

There's no way I want to sit next to Rick, so I slide in the backseat. There's a camera in the way, so I pick it up to move it, and I accidently turn it on. On the screen, there's the picture of me and Rose in the aquarium parking lot. The one that got leaked everywhere. Suddenly, the realization that Rick was behind all of this hits me.

"You. You did this."

"Did what?" Rick questions, turning around to look at me and quickly realizing that I had figured out his scheme.

"Let me out."

"No, I'm taking you to your gig at the park."

"I don't care. I said, let me out."

"No way, buddy."

"Fine, I'll just let myself out then."

Before I change my mind, I open the car door and throw myself out. I roll a few feet into the street, but I find the strength to stand up and run home before Rick can even process what I had just done. Before I could even process what I had just done.


"Rose?" I yell as I fling my front door open, "are you in here?"

Please still be here

My eyes scan the room and I find the remote on the floor, and tiny pieces of paper on the ground in my kitchen. It's Rose's bucket book. She ripped it up. I tape some of the pieces back together to form the last page that I had written. Under "Fall in love with Harry", is a big, fat, red check mark. I stumble into the living room and sit on the couch, still holding the last page in my hands. Then, I simply crumple it up and scream. I scream until I can't breathe anymore because I don't want to breathe without Rose. I fall back onto the couch and put my head in my hands and cry. What have I done?

I ruined everything. Rose even told me to put myself first, but I couldn't even do that for her. I should have told the truth. I just know that Rose hates me now, but I can't blame her because I hate myself too.

I stay there with my head in my hands for what seems like hours. But when I finally do lift my head up, I see it.

There it is. Her favorite coffee mug. It's still half-full from this morning. This morning. Before everything got out of control. Before I lost her. I feel the pain all over again just by thinking about it. It’s the kind of pain you can only get rid of by fixing it yourself. I know I have find Rose and make things right. I can't live life without her by my side. There's no possible way I’ll ever be able to move on.

Somehow, someway, that mug gave me all the courage I need to go and search for Rose and I suddenly have a small inkling of hope that I can make things right between us.

I grab my car keys and fly out the door, not even bothering to close it behind me. I get in my car as fast as I can and swerve past other cars to try and get to Rose's apartment. Once I'm there, I go to her window, but it's still open from earlier. That's how I know she's not home. She would've shut it so I couldn't get in because I'm sure I'm the last person she wants to see right now. But if she's not here, where is she? Suddenly, it's like a light bulb goes off above my head because I know exactly where to go.

I get back into my car so I can start making my way towards the train station. At a stoplight, I use my phone to search the train times. I assume that Rose got on the 12:00 train since my interview was at 11:30. That train leaves the Oxford station at 5:45. It's 5:30 now. The light turns green, and I just about floor the gas pedal. As soon as I do so, I see a blinding light.

"Are you okay, sir?"

I open my eyes to see that someone has hit my car. I get out, and assess the damage. There's no way that it will be able to make it to the station.

"Are you okay?"

"What time is it?"

"Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm fine! What time is it?" I yell.


I make a run for it, leaving my car behind. I hear shouts behind me, people telling me to come back, but I just keep going. Right now, my mind's set on getting to that train station on time. Getting to Rose.

As I get closer, I see the train. It's beginning to move. Even though my body aches, I push myself to run faster. I grab a handle on the train and I swing my legs onto the platform.

"You didn't buy a ticket!" I hear.

"I'll pay you back later!" I respond.

Once I feel like I'm steadied, I search through every car on the train until I see that beautiful, brunette girl with dark brown eyes that I fell in love with.


I love writing in Harry's POV. I think it's easier than writing in Rose's POV. I'm really happy with the way that this story is turning out. The first fanfic I wrote was so bad! I also want to let you guys know that I read every single comment and all of them make me smile so thank you for that! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next one will be the last, but I have two epilogues so don't worry too much!

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