3. Sharing Stories - Harry

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Sharing Stories – Harry

“Not at all,” she says.

I sigh as I sit down, exhausted from the work-filled day. I could’ve sat anywhere on the train seeing as its empty, but the way that girl didn’t scream or ask me questions made me want to sit next to her.

“What’s your name?” I ask.


“Like the flower.”

Wow. That sounded way better in my head.

She giggles and says, “Yes, like the flower.”

“I’m Harry by the way.”

“I know.”


After that, we sit in silence for a while, but not an awkward silence. It feels comfortable, like we’ve known each other for a long time. I watch her look out the window, and I notice how her auburn hair cascades perfectly down her back. When she turns her head towards me, I see gorgeous dark brown eyes. I look away and blush. Hopefully she didn’t see that. I’ve never blushed because of a girl before.

All of a sudden, Rose speaks up, breaking our comfortable silence.

“So, what’s your story?”

“My story?”

“Well you’re on this train for a reason. What is it?”

I’m taken aback by her question. She’s very straight-forward. Normally, people aren’t like that around me. I’m considering lying to her, but the way she’s looking at me makes me decide against it. She looks at me like she really wants to know. Like she wants to know the real me.

“Are you sure you can handle the truth?” I try to ask in an intimidating tone, teasing her a bit.

“I think I can manage,” she says, obviously not even slightly intimidated.

I smile and say, “Okay, fine. I’ll tell you. I’m just a guy who needs a break from things, alright? It’s complicated.”

Rose gives me an understanding look, and nods her head for me to go on.

“Care to elaborate?” she asks.

“I don’t know. I think I’ve said too much already.”

“C’mon. Everyone needs someone to talk to.”

I put my hands up in defeat.

“Okay, okay. I need some time away from my life. I’ve been feeling very overwhelmed lately. I'm worried that I'm stuck. I feel like I'm trapped. At the same time, I'm also always going and going. I never have any time to just stop and enjoy the little things. Oh god, I probably sound like a brat right now.”

“No, it’s okay. I get it. Everyone gets overwhelmed sometimes, including me. It must be hard to live the life that you have.”

“You have no idea.”

I put my head in my hands, and she gives me reassuring pat on the back. It reminds of something my mum would do. I miss her so much. I lift my head to smile at Rose, making sure to show my appreciation.

“So,” I begin to say, “What about you? What’s your story?”

“You’re not the only one who needs time away.”

Before she can explain, the train stops.

“This is me. I have to go.”

“Wait! You can’t just leave it at that! Will I see you again?”

“Meet me tomorrow night. Same time, same train.”

She gives me a quick wave before stepping off the train, and then she’s gone. I feel more excited than I have in a long time because I’m going to see Rose again. The girl that cares enough to want to know the real me.


I'm hoping that this is somewhat realistic, but probably not. That's the whole point of fanfics though, right? Fiction? I love creating scenarios in my head of what could happen.

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