9. Rising Up - Harry

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Rising Up - Harry

I throw another pebble and crane my neck to see if Rose is in her room. I see flashes of movement, so someone has to be in there. I reach down and grab more handfuls of pebbles. I could just go to her front door, but seeing as she didn't want me to go through there last night, I decided against it. Besides, this is more romantic. I throw a couple more and Rose finally opens her window.


"Hey, Rose."

"What are you doing here?"

I reach into my backpack and pull out what I brought for Rose.

Falafel ingredients.

"Want to be my sous chef today?"

"I do, but how about you be a mover and help me settle into my new apartment first?"

"I'd love to."

"Come on up then."

She walks back into her room and I grab my backpack before starting to climb her wall. Once I get inside, I stop in my tracks. She's got everything packed. All of her pictures are gone, all of her books are gone, and it feels like all of the memories are gone with them. It's almost sad. There's nothing left except for the furniture and the lonely dust bunnies hiding in the corner.

"It's so different," I say, stating the obvious.

"I know, but change is good right?"

"In some cases, yes."

"Ready to move some heavy boxes?"

"I was born for moving heavy things."

"Good. I need you."

She needs me.


It's 4 hours later and Rose and I are currently in her new apartment, attempting to make falafels. Unfortunately, we're failing miserably.

"No, you roll them like this!" she shouts, laughing.

"I'm the expert chef. I think I know what I'm doing."

"What you're doing is wrong."

"How then? Show me."

Rose walks behind me, wiping her hands on her apron. She grabs a handful of falafel dough and gives it to me. Then, she wraps her small hands around mine and moves them in a circular motion. I feel the dough begin to make a ball. Watching our hands move together makes me think of how compatible we are. When she steps away, I feel cold now that her body isn't right next to mine.

"That's how an expert should do it," she says.

I open my hands to reveal a perfect falafel.

"This is so beautiful that I might cry."

"Should we fry these babies up?"

"Let's do it."

We each take our falafels and put them in the oil on the stove. I watch as they sink down to the bottom, and I think of how the process for frying falafels is an exact metaphor of my life. I was rock-bottom before I met Rose. But then, she lifted me up just like the falafels rise to the surface of the oil when they're done cooking.

They're done after a couple of minutes, and Rose takes them out. All of the falafels are super lumpy except for one. The one that Rose and I made together.

"I say we try that one," I state, pointing to it.

"I was just going to say the same thing."

Rose grabs a paper plate and carefully picks up our falafel. I get two forks and cut it in half.

"On three?" I ask, handing her a fork.

"On three."

"One, two, three!"

We both dive into the falafel, and as soon as it reaches out mouths, we both spit it out. I sprint to Rose's sink and spray the hose in my mouth as she grabs a water bottle from the fridge.

"I don't think I like falafels," she says.

"At least you get to cross it off your list."

"You mean book."

"Same thing."

Just then, my phone buzzes from inside my pocket. I put the hose back and answer the call.


"Harry, where are you?" Rick asks angrily.

"Calm down. I'm with a friend."

"Does your "friend" know that you have a CD signing in two hours and that they're keeping you from being here?"

"Rick, I know what I'm doing. I'll be there on time."

With that, I hang up on him and turn around to look at Rose. She has a concerned look on her face.

"Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine. I, um, have to go, but I promise I'll be here tomorrow so we can get you a tattoo. Don't forget to think about what you want, okay?"

"I won't."

"Bye, Rose."


With that, I take off. As I drive back to London, I feel happy. Heck, I feel happy everytime I'm with Rose. I can't help but wonder if she feels the same when she sees me. I hope she does.

When I reach the CD signing, I'm a half an hour early. I walk through the front doors and take my place at the end of the table, next to Niall. I open my mouth to talk to him, but I'm cut off before I can say anything.

"What took you so long?" Rick shouts as he walks towards me.

"I'm here, aren't I? Why are you so mad?"

He ignores my question and asks me another one.

"Who were you with?"

"My friend."


"Her name is Rose."

"I don't want you seeing her anymore."

"You can't tell me who I can and can't see."

"I just did. Harry, this is for the best. You need to get your head in the game. You can't go fooling around with some girl."

"She's not just some girl."

"I'm saying you need to end it. And you are."


I just love falafel metaphors. Rick is a real jerk, isn't he? He seems like a problem causer to me. Vote, comment, and follow!

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