16. Lost and Found - Rose

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Lost and Found - Rose

Even though it's an hour after the Ed Sheeran concert, I'm still experiencing a rush from crowd surfing. I can feel people's hands pressed up against my back, handing me over to someone else. I just want to do it all over again.

Harry and I are sitting in the empty arena, waiting. He said he wanted to be the last ones to leave. Why? I'm not sure, but it's okay with me.

"Thank you for doing this for me," I tell him.

"That's the fourth time you've said that," he replies, chuckling.

"I know. I just want to make sure you know how grateful I am."

"Trust me, I do."

I sit back in my seat and cross my legs. As I brush my hand through my hair, I feel like something is missing. I look down at my hands and they look bare. That's because my star ring is gone. Did I wear it here? Of course I did, I never take it off. I have to find it.

"Harry, I think my ring came off when I was crowd surfing," I say, biting my lip.

"What do you want to do? Look for it?"

"Will you help me?"

"Of course."

I start towards the back of the floor section, and Harry starts near the stage. I look at every inch of space on the floor as I work my way to the middle of the area. I'm looking down, so I don't realize how close I am to Harry. Apparently he doesn't either because we knock into each other. We both fall to the floor and something catches my eye. I reach my hand under the seat and pull out my ring.

"Found it."

"Good, now can you find me a bandaid? I scraped my elbow falling because of you."

"That's such a cheesy pick-up line."

"No, I meant it literally. My elbow is bleeding."

"Oh, god. I'm sorry," I say inbetween laughs.

I push myself up off the floor and help Harry up. His elbow really is bleeding, and badly too. The blood is beginning to run down his arm. I grab his hand and lead him backstage while he inspects the damage. I open every door we pass to see if it leads to a bathroom. I finally find one and I make Harry sit on the sink as I grab paper towels. Harry holds his arm out, so I can clean him up.

"That stings."

"I know it does. I'm almost done though."

When I finish, his elbow is still bleeding, so I take more paper towels and wrap them around Harry's arm and somehow manage to tie it so it stays.

"There. I think you're good for now."

"Thanks, for everything."

"Oh, it was really nothing."

"Not just this. I mean, thank you for always being there for me. For letting me be myself. I don't have to pretend with you because I know you like me the way I am."

"Wow. I don't really know what to say, Harry," I blush.

"You don't have to say anything."

"Um, do you think we should head back home now?"

"It's too late to take you all the way back to your apartment, so why don't you stay at my house?" he asks, biting his lip.

"I'm okay with that."


I look at the clock on Harry's wall and it's three o'clock in the morning. We've been sitting on his couch, talking, laughing for almost four hours now. Once we end a conversation, we find something new to talk about.

I'm sitting criss-cross in Harry's sweatpants and the hoodie he gave to me on our picnic under the stars. I take another sip of tea from my favorite green rose mug. Harry looks at me from the other side of the couch. He's wearing one of his famous beanies and I must say, he looks absolutely adorable in it.

"She was where?" I ask out of shock.

"In my bathtub!" Harry answers as we both laugh.

"Man, you have some crazy fans."

"Yeah, but I love them anyway."

"They obviously love you too."

"Sometimes that could be a problem though."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, it's just hard to really be myself because I feel like I have to make everyone happy. If I mess up on something, I would be judged because I'm a celebrity. I can't always do what I want because I have to put my fans first."

"You know what, Harry? Sometimes you should put yourself first. I bet your fans wouldn't care if you did what you want once in a while. Don't let anyone run your life."

"You really think so?"

"Definitely. You're a great guy. I don't see why anyone wouldn't love you."

"Are you saying you love me?"

Am I saying that? Maybe I am. I need to stop overthinking things and just let myself say what I really feel.

"Yeah, I guess I am."


Sorry this is so short, but I've been busy and kind of lazy. Anyway, what did you all think? Follow, vote, and comment to let me know!

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