4. No Surprise - Rose

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 No Surprise - Rose

I'm awaken the next morning by a knock on my bedroom door.

"I'm sleeping," I mumble.

"Honey, this is important."

It's my mom. She hasn't called me 'honey' in a long time, so this must not be good. I slowly get out of bed and open my door. My mom walks in followed by my dad. Yup. This is definitely not good.

My mom pats a spot next to her on my bed and says, "Come sit."

I wearily make my way over to my bed and sit down in between my parents. They both put a hand on each of my shoulders and just stare at me.

"What's going on?"

"Rose..." my dad begins.

"Your father and I are getting a divorce," my mother finishes.

I immediately feel tears welling up in my eyes, but I'm determined not to let them spill. It doesn't really surprise me. We all knew this was bound to happen right? My parents obviously weren't meant for each other.

"That isn't really a shock to me," I reply.

"You're not upset?" my dad asks.

"Well what do you want me to say? You have been screaming at each other every night! I know! I hear it!" I shout, standing up and facing my parents. "But did you ever think about me until now? No."

"We're sorry if we made you feel that wa-"

"No. Just get out. I want to be by myself."

I point to my door and watch as my parents leave with guilty looks on their faces. As soon as the door shuts, I collapse on my bed, sobbing. I had a feeling this would happen, but I hoped that my parents would somehow work it out instead of just giving up like that. Does 21 years together mean nothing to them?

Just two more days.

I get up from my bed and quickly run outside to grab the newspaper. I return to my room, and flip through until I reach the apartment listings. There's one new one. It has one room, one bath, a kitchen, and a sitting room. The down payment and rent per month are both 400 pounds. Perfect. I give the realtor a call and tell her that I want to see the apartment. She says to come by at 2:30 today. I have nothing to do before that, so I decide to go out to lunch. I shower and change, then head out the door.

"Where are you going?" my mom calls out.

I slam the door without answering and get into my car. The first thing I do is turn the radio on. Ironically enough, Kiss You comes on first. I can't believe I met the person singing this. And I'm meeting him tonight. Harry seems like a really good guy. Here I was, thinking that celebrities are spoiled and arrogant, but not him. He has problems just like everyone else. Just like me.

I turn into the McDonald's parking lot and pick a space in the front. As I open the door, my eyes fall on a really good-looking cashier. He's got that flippy hair and bright eyes that could make any girl melt right then and there.

"Hi, may I help you?" he says with a smile.

"Yeah, I'll have a Chicken Wrap and a diet."

"Sure thing."

He hands me my bag and I go to sit down. As I'm taking out my food, I notice something written on the napkin. A phone number. I look over at the cashier and he winks. I smile back, but my mind automatically goes to last night. This doesn’t feel right. I put the napkin back in the bag, finish my food, and throw it away as I walk out, without a second thought.

Flashes of the train last night still run through my mind after I leave. My hand touching Harry's. The way he blushed when I looked at him. How he asked to see me again.

I sit in my car for a while, but then I figure it should be time for me to go check out the apartment. When I get there, there’s a woman waiting to let me in.

"Hi, I’m Christa!" she says in a chipper voice.

"I’m Rose," I reply, holding out my hand.

She shakes it and unlocks the front door.

"You know," she says as she leads me into the flat, "you are very lucky. This apartment is brand new on the market, and you’re the first to see it."

I nod my head, showing that I understand. Christa takes me to the sitting room first. The light pours threw the big window making everything seem like it's glowing. Like it was sent from the heavens. Then, I notice that there’s already furniture in the room.

"Does this furniture belong to the owners?"

"Actually, yes. But they decided that they don’t want it, so they’re leaving it for whoever decides to rent this apartment."

This gets me really excited. I follow Christa through the rest of the house, not really paying attention to what she’s saying. It’s something about the floorboards. All I know is that I’m in love with this apartment. And to think it could be mine in two days, right after I tell my parents.

We’re just about to conclude the tour when another woman shows up.

"Oh, that’s my next appointment. I hope you don’t wait too long if you like the apartment. Just call me if you’re interested."

"Wait, Christa!" I yell before she leaves.


"I’m interested."


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