11. Connection - Harry

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Connection - Harry

"Would you grab two mugs out of that cabinet?" I ask as I make tea.

"Yea- Oh my gosh!" Rose squeals.

"What? What happened?" I shout, running around the corner of the kitchen.

"I love this coffee mug!"

Rose holds up the specific mug she was talking about, and I then understand why she loves it so much. It's green with a pink rose on the front. Gemma gave it to me when I bought this house.

"I can see why. It's so you."

"You think so?" she says, holding the mug up to her face.


Rose doesn't say anything after that, and I find myself staring into her brown eyes. It feels impossible to look away. I step closer and brush a piece of hair behind her ear. Just then, the tea pot makes that awful high-pitched noise, indicating that the tea is done, and also ruining the moment, but I still don't look away.

"I think the tea is done," Rose states, still looking into my eyes.

"Yeah. I should probably go get that."


I turn around, breaking our locked eyes, although, I probably could've stayed like that all day. Maybe I shouldn't have moved. Maybe Rose wanted to stay like that all day too.

We stroll back into the kitchen without saying anything about it; however, I kind of wish we would talk about it. I want to know what she was feeling.

"What do you like in your tea?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"Do you have lemon?"


I hand Rose her tea, and we sit down in my living room to drink it.

"So how do you like your tattoo?"

"I honestly love it. I think I might have to get some more," she says with a wink.

"Let's not get too crazy."

"Like you?"

"Okay, you got me." I say, putting my hands up in defeat.

"What's next in my bucket book?"

"Oh, I don't know. Let's look."

I pull the book out from my jacket and flip to the third page. My eyes almost pop out of my head when I see what's written there. I should've known this would be on her list. It's on almost everybody's.

"Well, it looks like we're going skydiving."

"Skydiving? Did I really write that?" she questions, grabbing the book from me. "Oh my gosh. I did. I never thought I was going to actually do it!"

"Now you are."

"I don't know about this."

"What if I invite Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn to come with us?"

When I say this, Rose's eyes become wider than they already are.

"We're going skydiving, and you want me to meet the rest of your band?"

"I was just trying to help!"

"Okay, you can ask them to come, but you better hope I don't make a fool out of myself."

"I don't think that's possible."

"Trust me, it is."

"Name one time you've made a fool out of yourself."

"I can't. It's too embarrassing."

"C'mon! Tell me!"

"Okay, okay. One time, in biology class, we were reading about squids and octopuses. The teacher called on me to read, and I accidentally kept saying testicles instead of tentacles."

I stare at Rose, and then I burst out laughing. She hides her face, but ends up laughing along with me.

"And the worst part was that nobody told me!"

"How do you get those two mixed up?"

"Hey! It could happen to anyone!"

"No, I'm pretty sure you're the only person that that has happened to," I say, still laughing.

"See! I told you I'm a fool! I can't meet your band!"

"I promise they'll love you for who you are, even if you are a fool."

"Gee, thanks. That made me feel better."



I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who comments, votes, and follows! I also want to dedicate this chapter to @sierra_chunko_ because her comments always make my day.

I'll see you at chapter 12! (:

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