Chapter 2 -Fight for your Life

Start from the beginning

"Temper, temper Keegan. What do we have here?" Dr. Heeley jested. From the looks of it, his alpha may have found his mate, he was almost inappropriately all over the patient. But, she smelled human which was unlikely that she could be mate to Keegan. It was unheard of in the history of their kind. There must be some sort of reason or explanation which they will have to find out after she is out of the woods.

"Heeley, thank goodness you're here. This is Queran, my m-mate. A freak driver rammed into her car and Tanner got her out of it. She was lethargic earlier but is now unconscious. Please Dan, help me save her." Keegan begged.

Dan Heeley nodded and took over assessing Queran. "We need to get a CT scan stat. I want to know the extent of her head concussion. Let's do that first and we deal with the other injuries later."

As he was saying this, the trauma team was already on the move wheeling her out of the ER. Tanner who had his hands running through his hair, jolted after hearing the double doors smash into the wall.

"Tanner, try to get a hold of her mom or her dad, pronto. I don't care if you have to go through her stuff at the car, just find them and bring them here. And that driver, I don't care if he's dead or alive take him here and we'll deal with him later." Keegan ordered.

Tanner nodded and wasted no time and left. He was in a mission. But deep inside of him he felt wary. Whoever rammed into Queran cannot just be coincidence, it was deliberate. The mind boggling question is Why and Who?


"STUPID, useless son of a bitch! I said I needed her alive!" Carter Vargas was livid. It took them several months to find where Queran Nuñez aka Mosely was hiding. And it took a stupid move that she was probably lost to him. "Where the fuck is she now?"

"A wolf boy rescued her from the crash. We couldn't get to Carlos after he rammed his car into hers. There were far too many witnesses. He was taken by another ambulance. We followed it and it took us to Woodrow General. It's a pack hospital because it was reeking with wolf scents, alpha."

"And the girl?" He asked without looking at Enrique, his Beta.

"In the same hospital receiving treatment."

"Then what the hell are you still standing here for? I don't care how you do it but seize her and bring her to me."

"And Carlos?"

"Kill him; if he isn't already." Carter said with a sinister look.

"Alpha." Enrique bowed and left the room.

Carter Vargas was a strapping fellow in his 30's. With a built that is sure to cause men to quake in fear. A year ago, his ultimate plan to kill alpha Mikel Nuñez had panned out. He coveted his pack, the Shadow Creek because it was said that he was going to bear a daughter who is to give a male wolf unrivalled power once she is claimed, she was going to shift into a rare white gold wolf like Mikel was. But after close surveillance of the pack as he was planning his attack, he found out that Queran was half human and half wolf. He now doubts the lore that was told. Even now she hasn't even shifted. But Carter is a selfish son of a bitch, he is not going to take any chances, be it true or not, the beautiful Queran was his.

Fate Smiles on My Alpha (Book 1 of the Fate Series) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now