"You have the connection with Robin? Surely you can locate him then!" Starfire brightened up a little.

"It doesn't work that way. I can't locate him unless he's not more than 2 or 3 miles away." Raven explained.

"Oh..." Starfire sighed.

"Well find him Star, eventually." Cyborg laid a Hand on Starfire's shoulder.

"I have an idea! What if we put lost signs all over Jump City! Somebody must of seen him!" Kid Flash exclaimed

Everyone collectively glared at him.


"We're all tired and frustrated. We all need some rest. Well think of something when we are all well rested." Raven suggested.

"Raven is right. We can't think straight when we're tired like this." Cyborg agreed. "We'll try again later tonight."

"Fine with me." Kid Flash sank into the couch.

So with that everyone went to their rooms for some rest. But when they woke, what they were going to discover, was something that was never expected.


Robin sat down. He had just been brushing up his acrobatics. If he threw in an unexpected move, he might just catch Slade off guard and finally get the best of him.

But when Slade was going to return, he had no clue.

Slade had left at least an hour ago. He yawned. The only times he had slept was when he had been knocked out. He had no idea how long he had been here. He wondered if the Titans had noticed his disappearance yet. Batman apparently hadn't. He couldn't believe he had a new prodigy. It wasn't wrong for him to have another one, but the surprise was still there. Was Batman really trying to replace him? Is that how much he didn't care? He wished he could go warn Jason about Batman. And tell him he was just using you, like he used me. All he cared about was fighting crime. He was obsessed. He never cared about me, like I thought he had.

Suddenly he heard a shift of metal shafts, breaking his thoughts.

The vents had reopened. He glared at them remembering when the bars shocked him.

He quickly got up and sniffed the air. Only fresh air was coming out this time. (Or so he thought.) he glanced at the elevator. Someone was in it. It was on floor 2 going down. He stood in the shadows, just in case.

It stopped at level 3. Robin let his breath go. But he sucked it back up when the elevator continued to the 4th floor.

The elevator doors slid open. A figure stepped out. Robin backed up into the wall as much as he could.

"Robin? Why are you hiding? Are you afraid?" Slade taunted as he glanced around.

"No matter, I'll find you." Slade took out something from his belt. It looked like a Boomerang...but it was shaped like a styled S. (So like its a Sladerang?)

Slade scanned the room, pretending not to see Robin.

Slade suddenly threw his weapon at Robin.

Robin caught off guard, almost didn't have enough time to get out of the way. It barley missed him. But much to his surprise, it didn't act like a regular Boomerang.

About two seconds later, it exploded. Robin was exposed still right next to it. The explosion threw him to the floor wounding him badly.

Robin getting up quickly, glared at Slade.

"You know what Robin?" Slade said casually as if nothing had happened. "I was a little surprised Batman had a new prodigy. I'm sure you were to. I just can't believe he's trying to replace you." Slade smirked knowing this would get him.

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