Hello There

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It's been so long! I am terribly sorry for semi abandoning Wattpad, I just never have time, and when I do I'm too tired to think.

My company had a show recently, we did "The Little Mermaid." I had three different parts: people mover (en pointe, land scene where Ariel watches and goes wow I want to do that too), school of fish (we were all fish and it was SO CUTE), sailor (pretty self explanatory I was sailor and got to act really goofy on stage) and masquerade dance (we wore masks and did a ball scene). All went SO well but I (and my partner) missed a queue for an interaction in sailors. Luckily, we're supposed to be goofy and we all played it off like, whoops sorry I'm really flighty Hahahah. It was so awesome and we found out my company is now touring! We are going to go and perform at Disney next year!

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