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A Special Edition; Performances:

131. Teachers changing cheography at the very last minute.

132. Because of snow/ice/flooding, basically unsafe road conditions, precious rehearsal time is taken away.

133. Stress of messing up

134. Forgetting your cheography right before you walk on stage.

135. The person you understudy for getting hurt and you have to remember all their cheography immediately...

136. And perform it well.

137. Stage make up.

138. Social time being swept out of your hands because...

139. Rehearsal today, tomorrow, and almost everyday, along with your regularly scheduled classes.

140. Losing hair pieces for your costume.

141. Having hideous costumes.

142. Itchy, scratchy costumes.

143. Costumes in general.

145. Not wanting to do anything physical outside of class and rehearsal in fear of getting an injury and not being in the show.

146. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, wants to come to see you dance.

147. People ask how the show went and you start to tell them but they get bored and walk away.

148. Quit the jealousy, just because I got the little solo and you didn't doesn't mean I'm better, it just looks better on me than you.

I hope you all enjoyed this special update! I have a performance on March 19th so I was in the mood for performance problems. Have a great year! week, day, life! I have no idea if I'll have time for another update this month but I'll try! :D

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