"I'm great. How about you?" Hailee asked you with a smile on her face that does not quiet reach her eyes like it used to.

"Ok what's going on, Hailee?" You asked, taking the role of being the big sister.

"I may or may not realize I have feelings for a person, who I know for sure won't return the feelings back to me, but rather give their feelings to someone else." Hailee said with one breath, she then took a long in take of breath after.

"Well, how deep is your feelings for this person?" You asked, although you are already making your own guess that maybe just maybe you know this person.

"Deep," Hailee said while slowly nodding her head. "So deep I won't be able to get back out in a short period of time."

You nodded your head, "Have you made any special connections with this person?" You asked.

Hailee smiled, "She's funny. She's smart. She's beautiful and I meant by beautiful is that the way she thinks and the way she treats people around her."

"She-" you said and stopped there because you were about to say the name of the person who you might think it is. Camila.

"Yes, a she. I don't know how to do this or how to approach her with this new found feelings." Hailee said.

"Ok, so, this ball that we planned, there are people singing in it, as the planner of the event we both can just sneak you in as the last act. If you don't mind that is." You said and smiled.

Hailee's eyebrows knit closer together. "Wait why would I be performing?" She asked.

"Pick a song that best represents this girl that you have feelings for. Maybe, if you let it out, it'll be easier for you?" You asked.

"You know who I'm talking about do you?" Hailee asked suspiciously.

"Yeah," you said and nodded you head. "She's with the glam team right now."

"Oh gosh, you do know." Hailee said. "Am I that obvious?"

You shake your head no, "It's probably because I know you better than anyone else." You said and smiled.

"You know, you're very lucky you stand at the same position with Dinah." Hailee said.

"I am very lucky indeed and it's not only because she's part of a huge girl group, or is because she has the fame. I'm lucky because she's Dinah, you know? I get to meet the Dinah behind the cameras and stages." You said and smiled because who are we kidding? You know damn well how lucky you are to ever meet Dinah and share the same feelings for each other.

You looked at Hailee and smiled, "How about you? Yes, you might not be fortunate since you don't know how Camila may return your feelings to you, but how exactly do you feel?" You asked.

Hailee nodded her head, "Yes , same. I do feel lucky because I know her behind the cameras and stages. I know that she's not returning the feelings but I'm lucky to still have her as my friend."

"How sure are you that she's not returning the feelings back?" You asked.

"Haven't you heard? It's all over social media. Shawn and Camila." Hailee said and sighed.

Your eyebrows raised and knitted, "I've heard that they are collaborating to write and sing a new song, I've heard that they are friends but I haven't heard anything about them dating or liking each other."

"But eventually they will be dating.." Hailee said.

"C'mon, as long as they are not together you still have a chance. And also don't make assumptions. They probably are just real good friends." You said and patted Hailee's back.

Keeping Distance (Dinah/You)Where stories live. Discover now