Y/N jumped when Ally spoke and the brunette laughed. "What are you getting, Y/N/N?"

"Wine." Y/N helpfully held up the menu and ally stared at her, unimpressed. Y/N smirked and shrugged, eyes settling once more on the menu. "I don't know, probably some Merlot. I feel like something sweet tonight."

"You didn't seem very sweet when you glared at the maître d'. I thought he was going to faint, you scared him so badly." ally shook her head but Y/N just smiled toothily.

"He had it coming."

"He was just-"

"Staring at your tits, Al. I'm the only one who gets to do that. Besides, it's not like I threatened him or anything." Y/N smiled wider and Ally shook her head.

"You have your scissors though, don't you?"

"...maybe. I can neither confirm nor deny the possible existence of such items." Ally laughed again and then a waiter approached them. They ordered and after he left, Y/N noticed Ally staring at her with an odd expression on her face. "What, Al? You're looking at me like I grew horns. We both know they've been there my whole life."

ally smiled but her eyes never lost their intensity and Y/N squirmed slightly. "You're just...I'm just remembering our first date." Y/N remembered wearing a gray, off the shoulder shirt and a dark pair of leggings, shredded at the knees and completed with a short, dark skirt. "Actually," she said with her eyes squinting thoughtfully, "you did the same thing to the guy at the theater as the maître d' tonight."

"He was staring at your tits, too. That little prick deserved more than the look I gave him though, I thought he was going to cream hims-"


Ally's face was flaming in the low light and Y/N chuckled. "What? It's true, did you see his-"

"Y/N, we're in public!" Ally was glaring at her, but her eyes danced with amusement.

"Fine, fine. I'll stop offending your prudish sensibilities. Let's see..." Y/N tapped her chin thoughtfully and a wicked gleam appeared in her eyes. "Do you remember how you asked me out?"

Y/N groaned and buried her face in her hands, shaking her head despairingly. "Please don't remind me," she said from between her fingers.

"But it's such a fond memory."

"You were wearing that canary yellow dress-"


"And you were fucking terrified; I thought you would pass out before you got out one word, let alone an entire sentence-"

"Y/N!" Ally reached across the table and pressed her hand to Y/N's mouth, glaring while Y/N laughed behind her palm. With a stern look, Ally withdrew and smoothed her dress out. "Really?"

"What? It was entertaining."


"Maybe for you, but I was entertained." Y/N smiled sweetly as Ally glared, eyes sparkling with mischief. Ally suddenly grinned and Y/N narrowed her eyes. "What?"

"You know what else is entertaining?"

"Shredding your notes for class?"

Ally didn't take the bait, only continued to smile, and Y/N felt vaguely unsettled. She jumped when a bare foot slid along the length of her calf, grimacing as her knee hit the bottom of the table and their glasses shuddered. Ally giggled and a toe slid beneath the end of her pant leg, stroking her ankle and tickling the skin. Y/N tried to draw back her leg but found it captured by Ally's other foot, hooked behind her ankle.

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