"No..way...Cielo's vengeance caused him to have Night Flames...?" Sora asked, unbelieving.

"Now, here's the question time. What's white?" Ten came to this.

"There isn't a flame...with the color white..." Sora muttered, knowing he won't be happy knowing this answer.

Ten smirked. He raised his left hand to his right hand's wound. A yellow flames covered his wrist and healed it.

"Sun Flames?" Sora was stunned.

Ten healed his other wrist and stood up. He raised his right hand, and on each of his fingers, a different flame lit up. The sun and mist flame lit on his left hand, along with one more, black one.

"I'm white. An empty slot. I can use them all." Ten explained.


"Because I am Cielo." Ten said. Sora was speechless. "Sora, Sky, Oozora, are fragments of his soul. I am the corpse." he said, "I am the soul of the real Cielo who hasn't given up vengeance yet, and is still residing in this unrotting body."

"A dead...body...?"

"Correct. So for Cielo's vengeance to end, we need to kill him one more time." Ten started.

"And how do we do that..?" Sora asked.

"All of us need to die." Ten said. Sora didn't know what to say. "But I can't kill you." Ten admitted. Realization flashed. "So I will kill myself, Cielo's corpse. That way only your Vongola blood will remain. It will be settled nicely."

"T-Then, what about Sky?" Sora asked. Ten smirked.

"Oozora and Sky will change places. I've talked to them." he said.

"Then...what about me? Are you going to leave me alone?" Sora demanded, tears prickling in his eyes.

"You aren't alone. You have Tsuna-nii." Ten said.

"Why just you and Sky?" Sora couldn't hold back the tears that spilled.

"Because we are the ones holding Cielo's anger." Ten said, his eyes saying that this was the only way. Sora could think of anything else to say. He just silently let the tears fall.


Two spiritual figures floated above them. A whitehead and a raven-haired. They blinked their red and black eyes at their counterparts. They looked at each other with determined, glaring eyes. The glares soon softened. They both smiled.

"I guess it is for the best, eh, Oozora?" the raven-haired sighed.

"No turning back, got it, Sky?" the whitehead laughed.

"Of course, who do you think I am?" Sky sneered.

"An idiot, of course." Oozora retorted.

"As usual, I can't get along with you." Sky smiled sadly.

"Same to you."Oozora returned it.

They both smiled at each other and reached their hand out. Placing their finger at each others', they gave each other what seemed like their last smiles at each other.

"Black is the color of the calming troublemaker," Sky started, "Orange is the color of the tamed egoist,"

"Red is the color of the unstoppable psycho," Oozora continued, "White is the color of the ignorant warden."

They took a deep breath and said the next line in unison.

"Grant us our wish, o Flame extinguished by rage."

Sky laughed at this point, "Give the morons a life, please?" he asked.

"Make sure it stays like that or I'll kill ya." Oozora followed up with a threat, "Don't care if you're dead."

"But as the old rules go," Sky said, "I cannot have my own if I wish for another's happiness."

"Then what about the both of us slumber with their memories of all this happening." Oozora continued.

They smirked at each other. They said the next line in unison once again, but this time sadness was evident in their eyes.

"So please hold back your anger, until the time comes again."they paused at the same time,

"Until the time comes for us to reawaken."

They looked at each other. "Till we meet again, Oozora." Sky said.

"If that time ever comes, Sky." Oozora bid.

The both of them closed their eyes, and they fell lifelessly to the ground, vanishing.

"Arrivederci." their voices resonated.

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