5. Desecration

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"Well that was quite anticlimactic." I grumble disparagingly as Zain, Kyran, Cayden and I all drop down, one by one, into the lobby of the morgue, through a moderately sized hatch in the ceiling that leads directly up to the roof of the building.

The guards were easy enough to take down, requiring only a small fraction of pain inflicted upon them until their feeble bodies could no longer take it; just as I did to Kyran back at the house. But, of course, where as Kyran's body could - somewhat - hold up against the moderate dose of pain I forced unto him, the humans were less than no match for the sudden, estranged feeling of intense agony, and each one of them collapsed almost immediately.

No, I didn't kill them- I'm not that dimwitted as to risk everything by setting off any alarms before we even get started, but I did give them a little extra in adage to the usual dose I force onto humans, that way they'll be sure to stay down for a while, as their bodies struggle to recuperate from the illusion of running on only one hour of sleep over the span of six long days.

But, guards aside, even the amplified gate wasn't that much of a hassle- at least not as much as we initially expected. We simply went to the roof of a nearby, tall building just outside the gated 8A perimeter, and jumped off the side of it, over onto the adjacent roof of the morgue. Mind you, the steep fall broke my right ankle and one of Cayden's wrists on impact with the cement, but I'm sure you can imagine just how minute that was to we mature Nightlings; well, Zain and I, at least.

Now we're inside, thanks to everything going so swimmingly, but as a result of the almost ridiculously-smooth turnout, I can't help but feel a little disappointed. I do rather enjoy a bit of action every now and then, especially when doing something we're not necessarily supposed to in accordance to the 'law', so because of the apparent lack of friction so far, I'm left feeling a little antsy

"Kyran." Zain suddenly calls out in a hushed tone, snagging his attention immediately, "Get the door."

Simply nodding in acknowledgement, Kyran turns back to the door and closes it quietly behind Cayden, as he is the last one to enter.

The smell of stale flesh, and the powerful essence of embalming fluid have all but swallowed the room, making it nearly impossible to think straight, and even harder not to cringe from the stench, but the distinct click of the door's lock sounding behind me draws me from my thoughts, and I turn back to look at everyone in response. Kyran and Cayden are both seen thoughtfully glancing around the dank, death-stained room, seeming almost intrigued by its dark aura, while Zain and I on the other hand just stand in the middle of the room, being all too used to places like this by now.

Far too many adventures throughout the ages to have not wound up in places like this from time to time... Whether or not it was from simple curiosity, just being in the mood to cause a little trouble, or needing to preform a job like this, it's safe to say that we've seen to our fair share of death-shacks.

Kyran is still stood by the door, his head turned to look out of the small, opaque glass window, while Cayden is stood off by the right wall of the large, stale white room, looking deep in thought all of a sudden as he scans the room's defining features.

If I'm not mistaken, I'd swear I hear him utter a faint, unrecognizable whisper, calling my attention over to him quizzically, "What are you going on about over there, Cayden?" I question lowly, simply curious, to which he suddenly looks over at me with a slightly surprised, but ultimately dazed expression.

Catching on to my simple curiosity, his facial features settle once more into their previous, dreamy state, "Oh, nothing. Just thinking out loud." He mumbles lazily and then looks off as though he's contemplating something grand.

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