Another tbh

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Romantic Relationships are a bit overrated, I think. People at this age all really want one, for some reason? I mean, romance is good, but like. Had a conversation with someone the other day and she said she wants to move to a mixed school so she can meet boys.

Public schools ain't that great,honey. Just saying. I hated my experience anyway haha.

I think,when I'm older, I'd just like to move into an apartment with my best friend, (or best friends. That would also be awesome.) We could adopt lots of cats and eat food and watch TV  and buy fandom merch. And keep those tiny potted cactus things, and go on the Internet a lot, and we could play music as loud as we wanted to. I mean, ideally my best friend at the time would have a good taste in music, and not be allergic to cats.

Those are my thoughts, anyway,

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