Really guys

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Not to do with Nanowrimo, but guys.

Why do people on wattpad hate girls.

Like, every story is like

"She was a tomboy because she couldn't STAND girls. Girls were so annoying and bitchy."


"Mikaela was a nerd, she wore glasses and braces and weird clothes, and all the girls were bitches that made fun of her. So she was unique and quirky and not like the other girls."

Like, have you ever met any girly girls in real life who are that mean? It's a stupid trope which I can't stand, because it's really fucking unoriginal and bland. People who use that trope are bad writers tbh. Also probably should take a few courses in feminism lmao.

Also it's sad because most people who write fiction like that/hate girls are girls themselves, which doesn't make any sense, but happens anyway. Like, pls stahp. Ur overused and really vanilla story lines are physically painful to read

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