Changed my mind

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Ok so I changed my mind. I'm not going to delete this account. However,I am going to be more *ahem* wise about what I post here now,because I am now aware that there is not just one person reading it. In fact,there is a certain someone reading it which I speak to and know irl. Someone whose name starts with I and ends with Sha. I do want to know how she got my account name,as I only told one person in the world who I could trust,on the terms that we do not speak irl.

I do have a few suspicions in mind as to who gave her my username.In particular,I have a theory that is was someone whose name starts with M who also stalks male Korean musicians with scary intent and hates the word moist (If you're reading this,Lindale,and you gave her my username, know deep in your heart I will pulverise you).
On the other hand, it may have just been me not even fucking bothering to remain anonymity,because I didn't expect to write as much weird fucking shit as I do.

Probably,I've blabbed too much on here,but reading other people's  wattpad stories genuinely made me sad. Like who knew people were this emotional when they wrote? Wattpad makes people emo, I guess. I mean that's not bad,because endlessly cheerful people are irritating,but it's just surprising to start reading someone's personal story,expecting like, shit about pizza or something,and getting really sad emotional business. 


Who knows how many other people are reading this right now? I no longer care. This is me, I hate Oreos,I wrote a gay fanfiction one time .Let's not discuss this if you know me irl.

BlahWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt