Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Song: Love Someone by Miley Cyrus

"Hey, Ara. You did a lot tonight. Why don't you head home early?" Clarice, my manager, said while she helped pack the last of the glasses away behind the bar. Her red hair was up in a tight bun which made her blue eyes stand out more than usual; with the help of her thickly lined eyes and long lashes.

I shook my head as I reached up and placed the last bottle of vodka up on the cooled shelves. Late Bloomers, a very popular restaurant, had just closed its doors an hour ago. Allowing everyone to get busy cleaning up. The smell of alcohol and sweat was prominent in the air. And weed, I thought irritably. Everybody knew you did not mess with illegal substances in this restaurant. The owner of this building is one mean ass mother-

"Ara?" Clarice threw the dish cloth at me with a cheeky smile.

"Sorry." I laughed and handed the cloth back to her, "Someone decided to take a risk and smoked some weed in the smokers section tonight. I can smell it from over here." Clarice clucked her tongue and placed her last glass away.

"I knew I wasn't the only one." she packed the small cloth in its place. "I swear if Mr. Wolfe hears about this then we are screwed." I nodded in agreement, finished with my job.

"Luckily we know from experience the smell will be out by tomorrow morning. He won't know anything." I gave an encouraging smile and chuckled at the intense thinking expression on her face.

"I swear he knows about that. That man has super-senses." she said. I rolled my eyes and walked out from behind the bar.

"I doubt that. I know he looks like some kind of animal but that doesn't mean he's some were-animal, Clare." I argued. Her eyes bugged out and she snapped her fingers.

"You are a genius, Ara!" she squealed and followed.

"What? Why?" I finally reached the table where I had laid my belongings and put my leather jacket on.

"What are you going on about, Clare?" Garret asked as he came waltzing into the room with his million dollar smile on. His happy go lucky personality still in place. Most people thought it was an act but I soon learned that it was just generally who he was. He reached Clare and I by my table and kissed us both on the cheek.

"How are my beautiful creatures tonight?" he asked as he slung his arm around my shoulders. Everyone suspected Garret had a crush on me but he was too stubborn to do anything about it. I liked him and despite my fears of dating I wouldn't have mind dating him for a while. His blue eyes were filled with humour as I grabbed my bag and hitched it on my shoulder over his hand. Garret being the romantic he is used that as an opportunity to relieve me of my bag and started walking towards the door.

"We're fine, G." we said as we followed. Clare grabbed her stuff as we neared the door.

"You wanna tell me what idiotic thought my sister came up with, Ara?" he mused and I laughed.

"She thinks the Mr. Wolfe is actually a wolf or some kind of were-animal." Garret placed both hands on the sides of his now open mouth.

His eyes widened, "No. Way. Are you serious? Because if it's true I wouldn't mind going all teen wolf on some of the men that come in here." Clare and I shared a look before bursting into laughter at his antics. I hooked my arm through his and pulled him towards my car.

"Come on, Alpha. You got my bag and I gotta get home to my mother." He chuckled as he followed. Like always our cars were parked next to each other. It had become such a habit that eventually the owner placed signs that had our names on it to reserve our spots. Their red Golf Chico and my black one. It was a coincidence but one I loved and didn't mind.

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